Thursday, December 30, 2021

Call of Duty: Vanguard | Review Update

It's been a long while since I reviewed or posted anything. If you've been following me on Twitter you'll know of my struggle with a serious drug resistant infection that has lasted over a month. That, and the passing of my Mother who had stage 4 small cell lung cancer. Between trying to survive the infection, and being there for my mother I had no time for anything else. I even spent 5 days in a hospital right before my Mother's passing. It's been hard, and has not been easy returning to the usual routine. Just know I'm better than I expected I'd be, and that my health is on the mend. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Clockwork Aquario | PS4 Review

Welcome to the review of a 30 year old retro game that almost didn't see a console release. A Westone point focused platformer known as, "Clockwork Aquario". A game meant to be a SEGA release inspired by the Monster World games of yesteryear. Shelved in the early 90's, and almost forgotten, ININ Games in conjunction with Ratalaika Games finished, polished, and released this product with all the features fitting of their latest retro re-releases. You get six modes of play, a gallery, and instant access to the game's original soundtrack as well as it's remixed soundtrack. Host to 3 cartoony characters, and their fight against a fishy mastermind the game comes to life in the most vibrant of ways. With levels of lesser enemies in place for maximum point combos, as well as extra life opportunities, health refills, and a star powered power-ups. It's a short lived adventure where score matters, and how you take out the enemy equally as much.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Motivational Speech - Overcoming Oppression

Victims don't overcome. They don't rise above challenges or prove to themselves that they are not what others think of them. In their oppression they become the cannots, and can't haves. Instead of going that extra mile they stay behind or apply minimal effort hoping for that kindergarten level gold star that everyone gets just for being there. All while others get the medals, and trophies of true achievement. They get hand outs, and hand me downs instead of working hard to own and earn something worth being proud of. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Okinawa Rush | Nintendo Switch Review

Behold! I present to you an indie game that blends the gore of Mortal Kombat, fully fledged fighting game mechanics, and the staple features of the Metroidvania genre. That game being Pixelheart's "Okinawa Rush". Through two different modes of play including Arcade and Story we find the stage by stage fight for revenge through the perspective of three different protagonists. Each starting off in a different part of the game's given world, and with different objectives in mind. One such character named Hiro finds his wife murdered by the rival Black Mantis ninja clan and his children kidnapped. All for his scrolls on martial arts. Thus he seeks revenge, and to rescue his children. On the flipside of the same story Hiro's brother, Shin, goes to investigate the happenings of the attack on the Okinawa village. Arriving via canoe only to follow the bloody trail in pursuit of the Black Mantis as they take his brother's children in tow. Lastly a female named Meilin enters the scene with her own side story that also starts at a different point of origin, but joins the others in a crossing of paths.