Monday, August 22, 2022

Slaycation Paradise | PS4 Review

Slaycation Paradise is the answer to a specific scientific question. That question being, "What if humans gained interdimensional travel capabilities, and were able to travel to alternate worlds?". The answer to said question is not all that surprising. Humanity has a bad habit of destroying their own planet. Of stripping it bare of all resources, and taking more than their fair share from nature. As it turns out the travelers of the future have taken that inherent human greed, and envy to the next level. Looting, and plundering the metaverse, and it's endless array of alternate Earths for fortune and power. 

The only thing that stopped them in this pursuit was a ban of moral measures enacted, because of the ramifications of such travel. Through a loophole though humans, as they so often do, exploited the system and turned the advanced technology into a lucrative business endeavor, regardless. Creating Slaycations, or rather violence ridden vacations, for people willing to pay to visit post-apocalyptic worlds in order to kill, steal, and destroy to their hearts' content. All you need is the cash, a boarding pass, some weapons, and the right connections to get you where you want to go. It's a modern family affair where wanton destruction is the reason for that round trip.

Yars': Recharged | PS4 Review

The Yars' games of yesteryear and Atari fame were not without their lore. As such it kind of saddens me to say that once again the developer dropped that aspect of the game in favor of gameplay. Minor complaints aside, this recharged reimagining of Atari's "Yars' Revenge" packs a helluva punch with it's gameplay presentation. Focusing mainly on two modes of play including arcade, and mission you'll find plenty to return to as you shoot or nibble your way to that top score. 

The gameplay objectives, regardless of mode, are not unlike the methods of a murder hornet setting up shop in a bee's hive. As one of two winged alien humanoids you have to harvest energy from protective honeycomb like barriers surrounding your enemies, and destroy defense cores/turrets in order to make vulnerable said enemy's super weapon that lies behind them all. All while dodging bullets, and one hit cannon blasts. Doing so fills up an energy gauge, and gains you pilot seat access to a super cannon that can deal the deathblow to your alien adversary in two well placed shots. Attempts at clearing these battles are governed mostly by your life stock of three hits, and your ability to dodge threats while minding the end goal with your variety of attack options. It is with those three hits, and your skills that you'll either succeed or fail at your mission. It goes without saying that you can go solo or have a friend tag along for some local co-op in both the arcade and mission modes.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Cursed to Golf | PS4 Review

Thunderful's 'Cursed to Golf' takes club swingin' to the next level, and when I say the "NEXT LEVEL" I mean purgatory. Like that line from the undead golfer in Bill Murray's "Scrooged" you find yourself 18 holes in on the final shot, and the next thing you know you're a worm's feast. Dropped down to the great below in an afterlife of perpetuated golf tournaments against some of history's greats. Through the guidance of the resident Scotsman, and local Eterni-Tee business owner you are given a tour, and how-to before being sent on your repeated roguelike adventure course by course to ascend back to life. Supposing you can master all 18 holes.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Super Bullet Break | PS4 Review

BeXide's "Super Bullet Break" brings to us a cute casting of funny female gamers, bubbly bullet babes, and nefarious buggo infested waifus sent out by Singulaladies to make game characters across a collection of mobile games self-aware. Through protagonists Akari, Hikaru, and Sumire we find a collective of like-minded gamer girls who have their antics playout through their mobile phones in short lived chat sessions. With Akari's contextual conversations, in particular, we are introduced to an inquisitive AI girl named Nayuta. A character, who through Akari's mobile device, contacts her telling her about an AI ploy to destroy her games and make the resident characters of each game as self-aware as the Singulaladies are. Those Singulaladies being the sentient AI who have gone rogue in an attempt to infect other characters with buggos that alter their perceptions. With the guidance of an in-game guide called Black Cat the girls of Super Bullet Break are out to win back their games. One bullet at a time ...