Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Years! From OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno!!!

I hope all of you have had a good December if not a good holiday season. It's been a rocky year of ups and downs across the globe. War, rumors of war, and the ongoing threats of climate change and the pandemic. We never seem to catch a break from the fearmongering, and the seemingly hopelessness of our situation. 

Being the occasional optimist I have learned to not dwell on the things which I cannot change, and to only focus on making the most of the time I have. Building upon relationships, and friendships as I go through each day. I find the most important things in life are the bonds that strengthen us, lift us up, and carry us through the bad times. Good memories, though hard to come by, are a must for our wellbeing. Making those good memories means interacting with our fellow human beings on a mutually beneficial level, and putting in the effort to do so. I hope, in looking forward, that you choose to detach from the trappings of technology, and spend quality time with those you care about more often in 2023. That is my main goal going into the New Year ...

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Jitsu Squad | PS4 Review

There's passion in this here project. Borne of a love for Saturday morning cartoons, and fighting games this kickstarted game called "Jitsu Squad" bursts forth with much deserved hype. It got the community so riled up in anticipation for it's release that it met it's goals, and then some. Enough to include cameos of some of gaming's most memorable icons including Maximilian, and his dog Benny. Through nostalgia, and nods to other inspirations the heart and soul of it is reflected in every feature. Be it the mechanics, voice acting, or set pieces there's enough Easter eggs to fill a basket. What it does in homage it equally does so in creating a multiplayer experience that's both fun, and challenging. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Headbangers In Holiday Hell | PS4

Santa slays in this throwback to the indie 'Hotline Miami' formula. Featuring the holiday's jolliest heavy metal hating elf himself, Santa Clause, and a rival metal band known as Reign Fury it's Satanic Panic all over again. Against Santa's efforts to mute metal Reign Fury's lead guitarist embarks on a bloody rescue mission where infiltration, escape, and hostage rescue are the goals in mind. A mission where Santa, and his army are the targets of this disgruntled band member's rebellious retribution. Utilizing weapons, in-house distractions, and the quick in & out workings of a holiday hitman the unlikely hero of this heavy metal tale rampages through a series of roguelike stages filled with mobs, and bosses as he manages health and ammo. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

The Darkest Tales | PS4 Review

Prepare to enter a world of fantasy where fairytales become living nightmares. A tale of a little light, and a reluctant teddy bear. Guardians of a sleeping girl named Alicia. A girl who is now ensnared in a nightmare conjured up by dream demons. Through the actions this unlikely pair of would be heroes Alicia stands a fighting chance. Utilizing powers bestowed by the little light the teddy bear trudges ever forward as if through the pages of Grimm's fairytales. Encountering twisted versions of Little Red Riding Hood, Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk, and several others. Once aspiring heroes of their own tales these devilish dopplegangers stand between the daring duo, and their goal to free Alicia from her nightmarish torment.