Friday, March 15, 2024

The Legend of Legacy HD | PS5

From the 3DS to the PS5 "The Legend of Legacy" makes a bold return to modern consoles in a HD remastered format with it's turn based combat, characters with unique stories, and it's signature art design helmed by Tomomi Kobayashi intact. 

Following the discovery of a returning island not unlike that of the lost city of Atlantis seven protagonists with different goals in mind set forth to Avalon under the blessing of the King of Adventurers to explore the island's mysteries, loot treasure, and map out the areas for further exploration efforts. In a company of three these oddly paired adventurers venture onward to fulfill their own individual destinies. Among them are an elementalist, an amnesiac, a treasure hunter, a mercenary for hire, a frog prince, and others whose eyes are all set on the prize that is Avalon. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Problem With "Hateful Insertions" ... DEI, ESG & Gamer Gate 2.0

Well, it seems some lessons in life are hard learned and no matter how clearly you explain away the issues with an issue it will always go right over someone's head. One leading example of this is with the incidents of someone calling someone else racist while they themselves are acting the part. The lack of awareness of the underlying hypocrisy only serves to invalidate any claims the one arguing racism has, especially for those who aren't psychologically demoralized to the point they can't see the truth for the lies. 

Unfortunately a good portion of the population of world we all live in, and the society we inhabit therein has been conditioned to cling to old hatreds and to use that hate to grift for time in the spotlight as well as the resulting monetary gain. Perpetuating, and creating racism where there was none.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Rebel Transmute | PS5

As a cross between a Metroidvania and a soulsborne game, 'Rebel Transmute' boldly goes where most do not dare, and by that I mean with a protagonist that no one can connect with except on a representative level. Arrogant and pompous in her pursuit for her lost mother, Moon Mikono returns to an abandoned terraforming colony to seek closure ... 

Filled with angst and pride she crash lands on Terra 6 of Foray only to be put into stasis for 12 years by a left behind resident. After which she continues, with the aid of the newly turned humanoid robot, to pursue the location of Wendy Mikono, her mother and lead scientist of the previously mentioned terraforming effort. It seems the scientists, in their work a year prior, unwittingly unleashed a plague of sparkblood on the colony. Mutating all lifeforms from fauna to flora into hostile creatures. Creating an ecosystem catastrophe. Thus is the story, in gist. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Juicy Realm | PS5

Juicy Realm enters the scene as an out of this world roguelike experience featuring a cast of quirky characters, and fruits gone bad. The plot is simple. A spacefaring seedling crash lands on a planet turning it's fruity inhabitants into malicious monsters hellbent on killing off the resident population. As one of 10 protagonists you join the battle alone or in co-op with a special weapon in hand, a passive ability, and a summon. It is with these tools that you'll take on the fruit hordes, and harvest their seeds for improving upon your base stats as well as your arsenal. Recruiting, as you do so, others willing to enter the fray.