Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Console War | Where I Stand

Everyone in the gaming community seems to be caught up, to some extent, in the console wars drama. Whether you're a PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo only gamer you've likely run across someone on social media dissing your favorite console brand. As a Gamer who has lived through three decades worth of console releases I have personally found fault in all of them though. To one degree or another. 

Nintendo, for one, has been stubborn in it's ways, and remains a dated platform. PlayStation, in it's own right, is a neglected platform rife with censorship and cheater problems. Xbox, the last of the unholy trinity, has turned into an entertainment streaming focused platform that does more harm to developers than any others. Needless to say there is no real winner out of the three, if we were to be honest.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Thank You ...

It's been quite a while since I've seen a universal uptick in metrics across my many social media accounts. My YouTube has gained followers, and maintained them. My X account has gained followers, and my review metrics are going up, up, and away!!! I don't say this lightly, but I couldn't have done it without support from the community. That and gaming devs/PR like StudioGIW who had an impact on my reach. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Primal Survivors | PS5 Review

Shamans, spirits, and stat stacking are what sets Afil Games' primitive survivor-like, "Primal Survivors", apart from the competition. This mostly top-down 2D game with two ways to play, four modes in each of these ways, custom player builds dependent upon stacked weapons and skills, and RNG based roguelike elements from a three card draw system comes at the player with a glaring question? Are you in it for the long haul, or do you want to satiate your survivor appetite with a short lived session? Both of which are options going in. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

AVARIS3 | PS4 Review

Avaris3, a Japanese indie developed by StudioGIW, is the third entry in their ongoing series. Like the other two entries this one features a female protagonist, and her armies who are at her beckon call. In this instance it's Genie Princess Alvia who finds new power in Avaris amidst a holy execution by a human noble. 

Hellbent on revenge, and bestowed with the power of the king of demons Alvia, in the company of her aides Shine Nightmare and Light Nightmare, set out to destroy humanity for their wrongdoings. While Alvia's motivation is vengeance, her tag along company in the guise of the twin demon king daughters, simply wants the recovery of their Sword of Malice. Upon acquiring it they stand by Alvia as she sets out to tear the world asunder one war at a time.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Whacking Hell | PS5 Review

The survivor-like genre has boomed in popularity since it's inception. I have personally reviewed several different takes on the core formula over the years. Some of which introduced new mechanics, and others that strictly adhered to the fundamental features. The biggest difference above all being the artistic design in each and every instance. While the genre does have it's defining attributes, and differing aesthetic choices I'm glad games like "Whacking Hell" come along to stir things up with a somewhat fresh take. 

Whacking Hell, in particular, takes the base concept of survivor-likes and expands on it in multiple unique ways. This includes town venue leveling via collected materials and gold that in turn opens up even more features, and permanent upgrades that will effect how the game is played going forward. 

Needless to say there is a ridiculous amount of grinding to get to the point that a clean run is doable. Not only that, but unlocking the PSN trophies will require hours upon hours of dedication to get that prized platinum. If you don't mind the grind and have got the time Whacking Hell might just be the genre entry you're willing to jump in on though.

Monday, June 10, 2024

V Rising | PS5 Review

V Rising, may or may not be what you expected. At first glance you might assume it's an arpg akin to Diablo or Path of Exile. That's not really the case though. From experience I found it to be more of a customized castle building and combat oriented MMO with co-op, solo, and pvp options. 

V Rising is not unlike ARK, or Citadel: Forged With Fire outside of it's graphic design. The main difference being the vampire theme, and mechanics tied to vampirism. It includes, at it's core, day and night cycles, crafting, blood draining, survival elements, and even pattern based boss fights. It can be played solo on a local server without invites or on a local/online server with a populated density of players out to conquer or co-op with those who participate.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Magical Drop VI | PS5

Welcome to Magical Land! A land, that in it's current state, kind of mirrors our own real world. Ran by a ribbon wearing and third eyed leader named World this land of tarot card characters, and puzzle competition is in a state of chaos. Magical Land is divided, and in that division Lovers aims to remedy the situation. This pink haired protag on a pig challenges her friends and foes as they try to bring back normalcy. Through 6 modes of play including a story mode with branching paths and multiple endings you help Lovers and the other cast of colorful characters battle their way to a hopefully mutually beneficial conclusion. 

Uvalde vs Activision

By now you've likely heard of the lawsuit against Activision by the Uvalde parents whose children were victims of the mass shooting. Their claim is that since Call of Duty had certain guns in it that, that was the cause for the shootings. Anyone with a logically thinking brain knows this is a scapegoat. It let's the blame fall on everything and everyone else except for those to blame. 

The true culprits behind these mass shootings are often times the trans community, the enabling parents, and more often than not the government who has pumped fear porn propaganda into the trans community's minds to the point that they think their lives are literally in danger. Even in addressing the shooting White House staff continued their victimhood campaign for the shooter. This alone should tell you all you need to know.