Showing posts with label PS Vita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PS Vita. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy (PS VITA)

Set in a futuristic Japan, "Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy" tells the tale of a special operations team known as the 'Xth Squad', or "Xianth TransHuman Squad" who specialize in abilities known as 'Code-Rise'. Code-Rise, as it were is an ability which allows said individuals to summon the power of Bloods (historical/mythological persona) through codes in order combat the genetically altered sub-species that is plaguing humankind. It is these gifted undercover students who face off against the violent sub-species known as 'Variants' who themselves are being manipulated, and engineered behind-the-scenes by an unknown source who selfishly aims to do harm to the citizens of the Hinowa District for their own benefit. In collaboration with the TPF (A suspicious peace driven organization) the Variant puppeteers also aim to sway the balance of the world's current governing authority, the XPD.

Passing back, and forth from a dimension referred to as 'Abyss' the Variants are able to travel from Japan, and the alternate dimension while doing the bidding of those who would use them for such a threatening cause. Many students from the Hinowa Academy (which acts a front for the Xth Squad's base of operations) have been killed in this escalating battle of good versus evil while the XPD, and Xth Squad continue to work together in an effort to prevent more murderous attacks. Thankfully the main protagonist who was soon to become a Variant's snack himself was spared with the help of a former Xth member, and was recruited together with various other members sporting the Code-Rise ability. Posing as Hinowa Academy students these pupils are to be trained in secret via the CPA Headquarters to become the saviors of the human race. Whether or not they'll succeed is yet to be seen ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Zen Pinball 2 - "Portal Pinball" (PS3/PS4/PS VITA)

Working in collaboration with the development team at Valve, Zen Studios has designed a pinball table that is more or less a tribute to the events that occurred in "Portal 2". For those of you who are unaware of the events that happened in said plot you'll find that the main protagonist, 'Chell' (a female Aperture Science Lab employee) awoke from a deeply induced sleep only to find Aperture labs abandoned, and in disrepair. Realizing that Chell was now awake the resident A.I., 'GLaDOS' ran Chell through the virtual ringer like a lab rat in order to test her logic skills. In order to escape, and make it to the surface Chell had to solve a series of mind bending puzzles using a portal gun which functioned as it's name suggests. The portal gun effectively opened up portals of a blue, and orange color allowing entry, and exit points through walls and other structures. With this tool Chell was ultimately able to trip switches, and guide lasers to activate once useless mechanisms as well as pass through said portals herself. In the midst of her trials Chell also met a seemingly friendly A.I. bot known as Wheatley who intervened trying to help her through the massive maze by giving her hints, and assisting her with some problem solving. Eventually though Wheatley became an opposing force himself, and posed threat alongside GLaDOS. Chell eventually made it to the surface only to find herself in a vast desert-like environment with only a companion cube to accompany her. Thus ending the sequel to the stellar first game.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed (PS VITA)

Having had the privilege to play through, and review most of the recent Neptunia releases I've noticed a sort of gaming evolution within the series. It's a subtle yet noticeable evolution that seems to be aimed towards finding that perfect presentation for the attraction of a much wider audience. From the 'Re;Birth" re-releases to the Noire spin-offs 'Compile Heart', and their co-developers have re-imagined, and brought to life Gamindustri's CPU Goddesses in a variety of different ways. Some of these newer renditions of the fan favorite niche adventures stayed true to the original formula while others strayed from said path, and introduced entirely new gameplay mechanics. I watched as the Lily Rank system took on different meanings within each new release, and watched as the games' micro-management options took on different approaches that benefited each game in a uniquely complimentary fashion. In the case of this latest misadventure we find both the CPU Goddesses, and their sister candidates at an intersection of peaceful times within the Gamindustri. After being approached by a couple of competing journalists offering some article exposure opportunities based around quests, and monster battles the CPU Goddesses, and their younger siblings decide to take on a rivalry of their own in an attempt to impress their fanbase even further. Of course with this newly introduced plot comes some mechanics that are entirely different from the normal Neptunia adventures, and thankfully so ...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Zen Pinball 2 - "Star Wars Rebels" (PS3/PS4/PS VITA)

Taking place right after the events of the final episode of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, and five years before the classic trilogy that most of us grew up loving this tie-in tale of the Star Wars universe known as "Star Wars Rebels" focuses mainly on a ragtag group of rebels, and their fight against the overpowering Galactic Empire. Among the main characters in this story about an uprising you'll find a young Jedi in training known as Ezra, and his youthful Jedi instructor Kanan. Aiding these two main roleplayers in their adventure are Hera the Twi'lek owner/pilot of the starship "Ghost", Sabine Wren who is a Mandalorian graffiti artist, and Zeb who is a Lasat honor guard. Together they use their powers, and unique abilities to fight off the Sith threat that is the "Inquisitor", and his loyal allies in arms. As far as the series goes it is not unlike the before mentioned prequel trilogy, and is shown in a more lighthearted animation style that is indicative of previous Star Wars animated series spin-offs. According to my sources it was designed around the style/look of the prequel trilogy, and not so much the more serious classic trilogy.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Second Look At Zen Studio's "Avengers: Age of Ultron"

I had thought about doing the entire "Avengers: Age of Ultron" review over after revisiting the table today. I noticed a lot of things that I did not include as well as some things that were not exactly true to how I feel about the table currently. For whatever reason I had decided to do the review entirely from memory, and in my mind's eye the recollection of the table was poorly pictured. After revisiting the table this afternoon my thoughts were, "WTF was I thinking!?". I was literally baffled at how half-assed my former review was. There were some details I had initially wanted to mention that were left out due to my word artistry, and my approach to typing up the review. Unknown to most of you I approach reviews with a sort of artists' mentality. I manipulate the words like paint to make the review more understandable, and well spoken. It's not that I try to baffle you with BS, or dazzle you with brilliance. It's more so that I aim to make the reviews more sensible in a professional writers sort of way, and more digestible on a gamers'/readers' level. Instead of rehashing the table details, and the spoiler free intro paragraph of my first review I think it's best that I simply use this additional article to go over missed details, and give you a more accurate opinion based on my more recent findings. It is only fair to Zen Studios that I give it my all, and do so accurately.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Project Root (PS4/PS VITA)

The guys, and gals over at 'Reverb Triple XP', and 'OPQAM' bring to us a RAIDEN style (Top-Down) free-roam shmup that is of a mixed presentation. By mixed presentation I mean that "Project Root" only partially incorporates traditional shmup style scoring, and gameplay mechanics. It also does so with a story driven plot about a war for resources, and freedom from oppression as it's main focus. Basically, as a rebel pilot of the F72-Zonda you are presented with a mission to take down various Prometheus Corporation targets, and defenses in an effort to stop their greed ridden expansion, and stock hold of energy resources. Your weaponry for the assault comes in the form of air, and ground projectiles as well as special weapon power-ups that help to clear enemies even more quickly. Utilizing all available options of attack properly for the on ground, and in the air threats is what's going to mean the difference between failure, and victory.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Zen Pinball 2 - "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (PS3/PS4/PS VITA)

Throughout the Marvel timeline of events there have been numerous world changing conflicts. Some were so astronomical in delivery that they altered the Marvel universe forever, and others were so petty that the could best be described as quarrels amongst heroes, and heroines. When it comes to the "Age of Ultron" extinction event though a seemingly harmless creation grows inevitably difficult stop. Heroes come to the rescue only to realize that their present day fight for the sake of humankind is futile, and that a trip into an alternate version of their reality will be required to stop the villainous A.I. construct known as Ultron. Of course in the story arc mistakes are made, lives are lost, and eventually the reality of the Marvel universe's predicament is made known. Even though the damage is done at the hands of Earth's mightiest heroes, "The Avengers", and their comrades in arms they together try to sort out the sordid mess that they all have contributed to. For a little "FYI" info you'll find that the original story arc was done up in 2013 by 'Brian Michael Bendis', and was a 10 issue mini-series about the return of Ultron which was followed up by even more in-depth spin-offs involving multiple characters from the Marvel universe.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shovel Knight (PS3/PS4/PS VITA)

Imagine, if you will a game that takes everything that was great in the 8-Bit glory days including the chiptune music, the 8-Bit 2D graphics, and the puzzle platforming greatness from a few well known series. Put it all together in a virtual rock tumbler, and out pours "Shovel Knight". This game, which obviously takes tribute material from games like 'Castlevania', 'Mega Man', The Legend of Zelda II: A Link to the Past', and 'Super Mario Bros. 3' presents it's gameplay in an innovative yet comparative new way. You'll find in place a map not unlike the one in 'Super Mario Bros. 3', towns with vendors like those found in 'Legend of Zelda II', and platforming level designs that are a mixture of the 'Castlevania' series, and the 'Mega Man' series combined. Outside of all of those similarities lies a simple yet engaging story that features a protagonist known simply as, "Shovel Knight'. After an adventuring mishap with his female companion, 'Shield Knight' this treasure hunter of sorts finds himself at a crossroads of choices that is abruptly interrupted by the invasion of an Enchantress, and her knights of the "Order of no quarter". Once again, as the hero of his own tale the valiant knight takes up his trusty shovel, and sets out on an adventure of a lifetime in order to find out what happened to his partner while dealing with the threat of his newly found adversaries.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo (PS VITA)

Take everything you know about anime mechs, throw in some shmup shooting, and hack & slash arcade style action along with some impressive customization options, and you have yourself "Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo". At the core this simple yet rich experience which is basically an action RPG offers the gamer a unique story that makes it's own place amongst other anime inspired video games. Of course it is it's own game in plot, and delivery, but one can't help to recall anime like 'Gundam', or 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' as they play through the game's entirety. As far as said plot goes you'll find an organization known as Freya doing their best to fight off an invasion of living mechs called the 'Rage'. These giant monstrosities which were originally manned machines called GEARS have taken on a life of their own, and destructively so. As Irony would have it, you, the game's protagonist will be piloting a GEAR mech against these living, unmanned Rages.

Through some supportive military manufacturers the faction known as Freya is able to supply their small army of pilots with their very own customizable war machines, and enable them to wage war against the insurmountable odds ahead. This is of course where you, the main protagonist come into the picture. As an up, and coming GEAR pilot (with a name of your choosing) you are put through some training missions against some very real threats in order to test your skills. Once you've proven your worth on the training grounds you are put to good use immediately by the heads of the department, and are sent out as mankind's last hope.Your duties as one of humanity's few surviving saviors comes in the form of making transport runs, clearing cities of the Rage infestations, and other tasks that involve both the confrontation of your enemy, and the evasion of said enemies. You'll even find yourself participating in arena events that pit you up against fellow GEARS pilots for the sake of keeping citizens distracted from their unforgiving reality. Mission by mission, and fight by fight it is up to you, and your brothers/sisters in arms to combat the Rage, and prevent the extinction of the human race.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Destiny of Spirits Shutting Down In June 2015

This morning I turned on my PS Vita to get my daily dose of "Destiny of Spirits", and found some disheartening news regarding it's service. It seems that the game in it's entirety will be shutting down, and will be no longer accessible come a scheduled day in June of this year. I have personally invested a sh*t ton of hours into the game, and have currently amassed a collection of 153 spirits mostly comprised of SR's and R's. Hearing the bad news really put a damper on things, and has unfortunately turned me away from playing the game any longer. I feel rather let down that the game did not last all that long, and that the hours, weeks, days, and months I've invested in it will be for naught. I feel pity on those who bought spirit orb DLC as their monetary investment will also be snuffed out.

As far as the game itself goes I've been addicted to it since launch, and have played it rather religiously. I've always thought that it was the prime example of what a free-to-play game should be. Instead of forcing the gamer to pay up for DLC to get the more rare spirits for the in-game lottery Japan Studios made it so that there were easy ways around it if the player were only to log in daily. I suppose the distraction of other games, and the loss of dedicated players may have played a role in the game's demise. The developers may also have hit a brick wall in the way of providing new content, or may not be able to afford to keep the servers and maintenance running. Whatever the case may be I will definitely miss this PS Vita gem. I just hope that Japan Studios, and it's co-producers don't give up on their free-to-play vision, and that perhaps they bring a more permanent version of the game to gamers who have invested their time and money into it. If not maybe they can up the ante, and make an all new experience that is as captivating as this one. One can only hope.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype & Last Chapter DLC (PS VITA)

Taking on it's own unique lore within a futuristic timeline of war ridden events, eastasiasoft's "Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype" aims to capture the audience's attention with hardcore Gradius style shoot 'em up action. If you are not familiar with Gradius, or the Soldner-X franchise they are two side scrolling score based shooters that basically have you piloting an upgradeable spaceship while blasting other enemy ships out of the sky amidst screen filling bullet hell spray. Unlike Gradius though, Soldner-X and it's "Final Prototype" follow-up features groundbreaking HD visuals in the form of rotating, and milti-layered moving background environments as well as eye catching ship designs that are anything, but generic. One thing in particular that sets the Soldner-X series apart from other side-scrolling shmups is the fact that the immersive audio soundtrack that accompanies it makes you feel as if you are a part of the action. In fact the female announcer this time around talks to you as if you are an actual Soldner-X pilot fighting the good fight in a universe being threatened by the oppressive D'aarg. There are plenty of bullets to dodge, and bosses to fight as you make your way through stage after stage racking up that high score while completing your mission as a designated Soldner-X fighter jet pilot. Just know that it will take some serious skill to make it to the top of the rankings, and some serious skill to also save the universe without losing all of your ship stock!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters (PS3/PS VITA)

Ghost hunting, and the theme of ghosts in general are two topics that are explored in a lighthearted fashion within the world of Toybox Inc.'s new interactive visual novel, "Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters". The tale itself begins rather abruptly with you put in the thick of it's plot as the main character 'Ryusuke Touma'. You are given little explanation of why it is that you are there other than the the information gained through your initial tasked duties of conversing with the Kurenai academy students, and staff who appear before you. This commonplace RPG socialization which is done through multiple choice actions, and reactions (via two five point wheel apps) gets you acquainted with the main characters of interest, and helps you eventually become a part of a secret ghost hunting society known as "The Gatekeepers Inc". It is this rag tag group of individuals led by Chizuru (a mature secretary type woman) who ultimately discovers your unique ability that enables you to see ghosts, and in doing so they recruit you for a job that is not unlike that of a Scooby-Doo, or Ghostbusters team member. There are plenty of otherworldly hijinks as you, Chizuru, Sadoi the driver, Sengen the support specialist, Kyosuge the rocker, Mifune the troubled school girl, and the rest of the gang do business as modern-day exorcists for hire. Between the tasks of organization, the actual job completion, and the breaks thereafter the episodic track by track set of encounters will draw you ever closer to finding the truth about the life hereafter, and those who work with you behind the scene as mediators, "The Gatekeepers Inc".

Friday, February 27, 2015

Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PS VITA)

Innovation, and a new direction is what this latest Neptunia spin-off is all about. While co-developers Complie Heart, and STING do good to stay true to the roots of the series, and the characters therein they take a gamble on an almost completely new combat system. One that really pays off. Of course it goes without saying that the story is entirely different this time around though. In fact you'll find that instead of Nep-Nep being the game's protagonist that the often times second place Noire gets her turn to shine as team leader. As far as the plot goes Noire, and her share dueling friends once again find themselves mixed up in a terrible mess regarding the Gamindustry. Having bumped into a shady character while sporting a new holier than though demeanor Noire lets down her guard only to be tricked into messing up the Gamindustry shares for all of the CPU goddesses including herself. To right her wrongs Noire soldiers up, and joins her former friends to figure things out, and restore their respective Gamindustry lands.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Preview Review - Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PS VITA)

Before I briefly go over the details you need to know in order to make an educated decision about a possible purchase of this upcoming PS Vita exclusive I need you to understand that this is a "Preview Review". In simple terms it's more, or less a preview of my future full length review. It will not be a complete disclosure at this point for the simple fact that I got the code for the game late, and will not have the full playthrough finished before it's release. As such my purpose behind posting this micro-review is to tell you whether, or not I think the game is worth a purchase, and what the game entails this time around. I hope you enjoy this article posting for what it is, and I hope that it gives you a proper understanding of "Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart". Do enjoy!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation (PS VITA)

Over the years, and through several different releases the game development staff at 'Compile Heart' have taken us on a lighthearted journey with some of Game Industri's most quirky, foul-mouthed, and sometimes pervy gals. These goddesses known as CPUs fought against each other many times over for company shares while making friends with the odd few individuals. They fought for their right to be number one in the console wars while fighting off the minions of Arfoire who were also out to make themselves known. In this latest follow-up release of the newly introduced "Re;Birth" series things take an unexpected darker turn that even I did not see coming. From the opening cinematic to the events that follow it becomes apparent that Idea Factory has a message for the gamers in real life. Instead of the usual plot about console wars within the Game Industri we find the older CPU goddesses defeated outright at the hands of a threat greater than themselves. This threat which mirrors the current goings on of the real world gaming industry reveals itself in the form of global entity known as ASIC. ASIC, as it were is all that is bad with gaming. Whether it be hacking, modding, or piracy ASIC deals in it all. Their goal, like the real threats in the real world is the destruction of the Game Industri, and the introduction of gaming anarchy.

Monday, December 29, 2014

2015 Is Just Around The Corner ...

It has definitely been a disappointing year for gaming in many ways. The year 2014 has brought with it MANY gaming problems including half-assed products, money mooching to the extreme, and even the latest hacking fiasco. Some gaming studios along with gamers have felt the hurt of poorly made decisions all across the board. In fact some gaming studios are on the brink of self-destruction as we speak due to such poor choices. With the way things are going it's hard to tell if gaming will survive the hard hits it's been dealt, and continues to be dealt. I personally hope gaming companies, and certain gamers get their shit together in 2015. The trolling, modding, cheating, and hacking seriously needs to stop. The younger generation of gamers in particular needs to lay off the stupid sauce, and get educated on how to act in a social environment. While hopes, and dreams for a better year of gaming may seem foolish, and far fetched I'm gonna hang onto the hope that things will improve.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Zen Pinball 2 - "Venom" (PS3/PS4/PS VITA)

Zen Studios could have gone so many different routes with the design of this table, but in the end they chose the table itself to feature locales from the venom symbiote lore as it's core playing elements, and placed the main character role players in said settings. I had honestly expected something more venom-like in it's stead, perhaps with a black & white theme, but it just did not end up that way. Aside from my disappointment though I think Zen Studios did a stand up job in relaying the comic book stories associated with Venom, and all the other symbiotic spin-offs. Even Spider-man got his debut appearance on the table. For those of you who don't know of Venom's origin story it began with a man named Eddie Brock, and his chance encounter with an alien symbiote that had ultimately adhered to him in a parasitic fashion. Having had prior issues with Peter Parker (aka, Spider-man) Eddie Brock, and his now split symbiotic personality sought to destroy the web slinging superhero, and rid himself of the threat. Of course later on, and through many comic book issues, and series the alien symbiote chose to take on different hosts with different physical results, and even spawned some offspring of it's own at one point. While this latest table does touch base on a lot of the Venom tales, and tie-ins it still does not include it all. One could understand that though, because of the ridiculous amount of content that the table would have to include to be "All Inclusive".

Friday, December 5, 2014

Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy (PS VITA)

Utilizing the commonly used human extinction approach ArcSystemWorks has created, and delivered a budget priced JRPG that is a hybrid of sorts. It combines traditional RPG stat leveling, and skill based character features while using an action RPG gameplay setup as it's base. With a selection of four customizable characters, and a serious amount of mission based objectives you will be tasked with braving the odds against a half-beast species known has the "Decoders" who have set out to exterminate the human race on their own home turf. The plot, while as original as it can get without being entirely cliche, has the heroes of various genders, species, and backgrounds fighting the good fight in solo single player playthroughs, or in conjoined battles with up to three other players via 'ad hoc (Local Multiplayer)' mode.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Zen Pinball 2 - "Core Set" (PS3/PS4/PS VITA)

For those of you who are unaware of it this particular Zen Pinball 2 set was originally available for Zen Pinball, and the Xbox 360 counterpart Pinball FX. It cost the gamer $9.99 to purchase, and included a total of four tables. These tables were 'Secrets of the Deep', 'BioLab', 'Pasha', and 'Rome'. Unlike most recently released Zen Pinball 2 tables these tables included were all about the challenge, and were designed with mostly low point values in place as well as table structures that were geared towards the more professional players. Some of the tables like 'Secrets of the Deep', and 'Pasha' had multiple playing fields for a wide variety of different scoring opportunities. Tables such as 'Rome', however were geared solely around speed play, and would test the players mettle through their ability to keep the ball going at a steady, but fast pace. Out of all the tables of the set though I do have to admit that the quirky, and fun loving 'BioLab' was the easiest to score on, and had the greatest available point values of all four tables. Like the other tables though keeping the pinball going, and from reaching an out of bounds state was trying enough in it's own right.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror (PS VITA)

I've always been an advocate for creativity, and originality in the gaming industry. I believe developers who are willing to try new things are the future, and that those who copy others' works are just drawings us back into the past. Without innovation the gaming industry, or any other entertainment industry for that matter is doomed for failure. That's why it's always a pleasant surprise to stumble upon a game that incorporates such innovative features. Recently I had the privilege to play such a unique indie, the likes of which falls under the label of creativity which I just spoke about. I ended up enjoying my playthrough thoroughly, and intend on finishing the game to it's end soon. The game in question, for those of you who are wondering is GlitchyPixel's "Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror". They take the simple concept of a haunting, throw in a unique plot about the ghost of a former mansion owner, and add in gameplay that is definitely genius in it's own right.