Showing posts with label PS4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PS4. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Darius Cozmic Collection Console (REVIEW)

Spanning 9 games, a handful of console platforms, and different regions "Darius Cozmic Collection Console" offers up the more varied collection of games between the two collection variations. Not only do you get console ports for Darius II, SAGAIA, Darius Twin, Darius Force, Super Nova, and Darius Plus, but Darius Alpha itself which is a game that was never released for sale. A game in the series that was limited in releases to 800 copies worldwide. It is in the rarity of Alpha, and the collection as a whole that the developer sees value nearing $60. Whether or not you agree is up to you ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade (REVIEW)

Getting into this playthrough I was promptly reminded how better graphics were at the arcades in comparison to the at home 8-bit console scene back in the day. Arcade games always seemed to be at least a couple of generations ahead, and this particular arcade collection proves that over, and over again. With "Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade" the gamer gets to experience the Darius trilogy as it were back in the late 80's, and early 90's. Complete with seven true to arcade versions of the original Darius, Darius II, and Darius Gaiden. The latter of which is a standalone addition to the series. Each game in the series keeping intact the screen format which ranged from a triple screen orientation to a two screen, and single screen format. Screen ratios that can be tweaked to the players preference into a fullscreen or widescreen presentation with traditional arcade banners to add to the arcade theme of the collection.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Call of Duty | 3 Battle Passes In

Call of Duty for me is a love/hate relationship. On one hand it is my go to guilty pleasure. I enjoy playing it for the laughs, and the grinding. It gives me something to work towards, and with the latest installment there is so much more to earn, and unlock. With the battle pass being as generous as it is it gives even non-paying players a reason to grind. On the flip side of all that is the glaring problem that is the online multiplayer. That, and matchmaking. It is plagued by a handful of problems. These problems include the usual player mischief as well as decisions made, and implemented by the developer in such a way as to steer the player base towards a certain type of experience. With the latter I'm talking about the throttling of players' internet speed when they opt out of crossplay. They seem hellbent on forcing crossplay despite the community collectively calling it out as bad. I've personally known before the cross console play was a thing that going up against PC and mobile gamers was a major issue. With different controls, and netcode between the platforms there are both advantages, and disadvantages to some. This of course still has not been addressed by the developer.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Task Force Kampas (PS4)

I have decided to do this review differently, and include my Youtube video review. I took to Twitch to stream some hands-on impressions, and go over the features and mechanics which I then exported to Youtube, and have in turn included here. As it turns out I found a shmup with potential lost to artificial difficulty. Through a narrow playing field, oppressive bullet hell/enemy population, and recovery options that reduce the long lived potential of a playthrough things are made much harder than they should be. It left me unable to make it past the first boss on Easy difficulty despite choosing different pilots with different perks that each offered a different advantage in regards to shot type and health. Visually the game is very appealing, and the soundtrack quite impressive. Sadly I found out that it was a game experience not worth buying into. Hopefully the developer can heed my advice, and improve upon this game or the next.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

HyperParasite (PS4)

Oozing with 80's pop culture references, presidential pokes, and a dash of identity politics "HyperParasite" aims to entertain the gamer with an infinite rogue-like replay rich gameplay loop done up in a slight twin-stick shooter fashion. This semi-top down action packed alien adventure puts the player in control of a parasitic mass that is intent on reaching it's presidential target. All in hopes of conquering humanity via nuclear warfare through body snatching. Kind of like the current COVID-19 versus POTUS situation. Something that is oddly referenced in the game's opening cinematic where a Nick Fury looking Commander in Chief puts a bounty on the parasite's head giving the public a shoot on sight order in hopes of thwarting the end times ploy. With the parasite's ability to take control of a host's body though this means that those looking to capitalize will be killing their own kind if they miss the mark. In a villain versus hero situation how you fare as the alien invader will depend fully on how well you can utilize the game's unique mechanics. That, and how well you can make use of Wito's shop upgrades.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Snakeybus (PS4)

Do you remember classic 'Snake" from the old Nokia cellphones? Do you remember Katamari Damacy from the the OG PlayStation? If you do you'll find that this particular game, "Snakeybus" is a familiar mixture of the two. As the title of the game suggests the gameplay contained within is all about a snake-like bus. A snake-like bus that picks up passengers, and grows in length as it does so. Ultimately dropping off said passengers for points. All while trying to dodge it's own trailing tail as well as collision with the vertically stacked, and boxed in environmental obstacles.

Beyond that basic premise of familiar origins lies a simple start menu where the action kicks off. A start menu with a simple setup consisting of bus types, map locations, modes of play, and a leaderboard listing for all those high scores you earn along the way. As previously mentioned Snakeybus is a score based game. In each of the given modes you will be earning points by picking up passengers, and dropping them off at highlighted locations, or by jumping through rings via boost in the Aerial mode. As you go about doing so your bus will lengthen very much like it does in "Snake", and will make traversing the 3D maps more challenging as they are tightly cramped and cluttered with limited space for movement. To counter the quick end by default flat level driving, and automated acceleration you are given a jump with a limited jump gauge that can get you out of stalled situations. Once you get stuck though or go out of bounds it is GAME OVER.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Freedom Finger (PS4)

Wide Right Interactive's "Freedom Finger" is an unapologetic middle finger to everything anti-freedom, and everything anti-American. It is coined as being a "Bat Sh*t Crazy Space Shooter", and that's exactly what it is. It takes politics, throws in some 'HEAVY METAL" inspired songs, and sends your ship the Eagle Claw on a fight and flight mission against communist China, and their imperial leader Kang. All while giving you absurd real world quotes during intermissions from real world politicians. At times inserting profanity the likes of which haven't been seen in a PS4 video game since I don't know when. Through grabbing, middle finger shooting, and fisting mechanics you will literally give the opposition what for in the most crude of ways. Led by a foul mouthed general whose daughter has been kidnapped, and a mission control supervisor of mediocre mannerisms you'll face a campaign, and arcade mode experience unlike any other as you fight for freedom. Complete with top tier voice acting, trippy visuals, a rocking soundtrack and pro-American sentiment this shoot 'em up is likely to go down in history as the final middle finger to those who go against human rights.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Oniken: Unstoppable Edition (PS4)

What can a ten dollar bill buy you in the world of PS4 gaming during the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, if you fancy a retro inspired action platformer of the 8-bit kind then developer Joymashers and publisher DigeratiDM might just have the game for you. That game being "Oniken: Unstoppable Edition". Oniken isn't anything new outside of it's own lore and design, mind you, but it holds it's own as a unique experience regardless. It personally reminds me a lot of games like the OG Ninja Gaiden back from the NES era without being a mirror image of said games. The plot, as it were, is your run of the mill sci-fi warfare setup with humanity ravaged by an invading cybernetic alien species known as Oniken, and the world falling apart due to the invasion. All taking place at a generic 20XX date with a heroic protagonist named Zaku who is working with a resistance leader and two tag along partners to thwart the extenction agenda at hand.

You basically play as Zaku, a sword wielding and grenade chucking warrior of legend, who looks like a mix of that dude from Berserk or a lost concept version of Mad Max. As Zaku you'll clear armies of lesser enemies of varying types along with bosses with multiple attacks using your sword, grenades, and a berserk power that is activated by collecting a sword power-up. It is with this trio of weapon options that you will have to figure out strategies, and an approach to each of the given six stages plus additional bonus missions or succumb to the "Surprise MF'er!!!" moments which happen so often they will no doubt catch you offguard time and time again in your initial playthroughs. It is ultimately learning the layout of each stage, and where enemies lie in waiting that will either help you accrue a leaderboard score worth noting, or keep you repeating the whole entire thing as you continue via GAME OVER prompt after exhausting each of your allotted lives.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Red Death (REVIEW)

Returning with a shmup that foregoes the nature of the first entry in their series, Panda Indie Studios brings to us a worthy prequel to 'Project Starship'. A four tone shoot 'em up that not only ramps up the challenge, and does away with the rogue-like formula, but that also gives background on the main two characters of the first game. Following pilot RED-001 we are invited along with the accompanying instructor to see the demise of worlds at the hands, or rather tentacles of the old gods. Gods of Lovecraftian origin who have decided to wage war on the Earth, and force pilots like Nick (aka, RED-001) to face a final fight for the remainder of humanity. In his fight, and flight of nightmarish proportions we learn that Nick's wife departs the planet via shuttle during his skirmish with a baby on the way. A surprise bundle of joy that ties-in with the 'Project Starship' plot. It is in the eerie, and ominous revelation of potential doom, and hope for the future that the color scheme of reds, greens, whites, and greys along with thematic music elements geared towards intensifying the situation plays out in a per stage basis, and in an oldschool way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

La-Mulana 1 & 2 (PS4/NS)

The La-Mulana series dates back to a time when world adventure was in the entertainment spotlight. A time when make believe heroes like Indiana Jones were around to give us an exciting look into the dangers of dungeon exploration, and the historically rewarding business that is archaeology. The very inspirations that no doubt inspired some of today's real world archaeologists to some degree. While it obviously has it's inspirations the La Mulana series also takes some inspiration from classic game design. When it comes to such game comparisons La-Mulana 1 & 2 are like a blend of 'Spelunky', and 'The Legend of Zelda II'. Both games in the La-Mulana series featuring Metroidvania style puzzle platforming with basic combat, and RPG mechanics for dealing with the risky navigation therein. All of which is centered around a renown bloodline of explorers who each bare the Kosugi namesake, and who each have their own reasons for exploring the ruins of La-Mulana. As with any ancient site there comes some mythology, and for Lemeza as well as his daughter Lumisa that mythology is more real than they ever dared to believe. Named after the Goddess La Mulana who created humankind in hopes of getting herself back home the ruins harbor an unsolved mystery that attracts the curious, and those who are brave enough to venture forth into it's depths. That, of course, is where you come in ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Langrisser 1 & 2 Remake (PS4)

If options are your thing, and JRPGs your fling then this remake of a classic series for modern consoles might just be up your alley. With Langrisser 1, and 2 the way you approach the chapter to chapter story driven scenarios as the hero of the day are up to you. From your indoctrination as said hero, and your plight within the game's given world as a commander of mercenaries you'll find plenty of tactical situations with plenty of options at your beckon call. Done up in a per scenario setup you will find preset maps, and minions with their own commanders that are after you, and other NPCs for a variety of different reasons. As you battle it out alone, or with NPC allies in a familiar grid, and turn based affair while micro-managing your troops', and assisting commanders' every action you will find that strategy is king. That also being equipped with the skills, items, classes, spells, and mercenaries necessary for victory is the only way you'll see the two stories through to their end.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Grizzland (PS4)

Sometimes simplicity can make for a beautiful spectacle in the world of pixels, and video games. I think the layered 1-bit nature, and scale of black to white within Grizzland achieves something both impressive to look at, and fun to play. It is a well thought out, and well constructed Metroidvania that doesn't hand hold, but gives the gamer just enough comprehension to move forward, explore, and uncover the many secrets hidden within. With basic combat and platforming tools at your disposal you, as the main character, must try to bring back to life the thirsty plant life while finding out exactly why it is you are on this adventure. You'll face alien threats along the way as well as some puzzle solving situations. There's plenty of backtracking to be done, and hidden areas to find. You'll even find scattered notes that get tucked away in your journal disclosing the details of the world around you, and your role therein.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Project Starship (PS4)

For five dollars you are getting what you paid for with Panda Indie Studio's, "Project Starship". It's nothing large scale, or new-gen, but in it's flashy simplicity it harbors a surprisingly impressive replay value if you look beyond the lack of an online leaderboard. Said replay value coming in the form of high score opportunities that can be streamed for record sake. That and some easy to earn PSN trophies. With the noteworthy replay value you will also find randomized rogue-like features which will alter the experience in each of the given playthroughs making no playthrough exactly alike.

At base level Project Starship is a top-down upward auto-scrolling shmup of chunky proportions set in an Lovecraftian universe with rogue-like elements at play. A very flashy display of nonstop action filled with amateurish hand drawn art put into lightly animated pixel form. All accented by an oddly digitized voice inclusive chiptune soundtrack. It features two playable protagonists in the form of Garret, and Gwen who are each made available from the start alongside two distinct difficulty settings. These male and female astronauts who fly in their own blue and red colored spacecraft of the same build face the cosmic horrors before them as you guide them along through the lit up abyss.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Code Shifter (PS4)

Shifting from fighting games to fan service Arc System Works brings to us a gaming experience unlike any seen before in their gaming library. One that shows us a hands on side of game development while allowing us to tackle one of the biggest issues therein via platforming means. This game that is centered around action platforming is tied to the outside work of a fictional development crew run by a handful of studio staff members that are each experiencing bugs in their latest project. It seems a hacker or someone on the inside has infected their software with a transformative virus. In order to combat the virus, and get to the bottom of the problem a programmer by the name of Stella creates a code shifter program with an avatar named Sera that can enter the code, and correct any problems that are occurring. This is where, you the gamer, step in. You get to control Sera in avatar form as she gains help from other Arc System Works characters which she can transform into, and use as assists as she collects data crystals, breaks bug boxes, and destroys attacking viruses. This is a folder by folder or stage by stage ordeal with each of the staff's folders containing inner stages of varying difficulties that must be completed in order to unlock, and fully correct said folder's programmed content.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire (PS4)

Some people play shmups for the story ... Who am I kidding!? People play shmups for the high score opportunities! Yep, that's it. Interestingly enough though Alfa Systems shmup "Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire" offers the best of both worlds. A story regarding five fabled sisters destined to stop an ultimate evil known as Seytan (Satan???), and unique shoot 'em up mechanics with which to top the global leaderboards. As far as the story goes it's an interesting tale of sibling rivalry that ends up doing an about face over a man who is the romantic center of attention. The five leading ladies including Sonay, Selma, Nur, Ece, and Lale all have their hearts set on wedding the man of the hour, Yashin. What transpires between them is a wacky war of words, and will. With their familiars, their sharp tongues, and their magic abilities they enter the heat of battle as brides to be or not to be.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Arc of Alchemist (PS4)

Some games really hit home with their storytelling, and reflect the state of the world you and I live in. I think it's safe to say that IFI's new action JRPG does exactly that. Arc of Alchemist takes the player on a fantasy adventure based on a grim future. Through war, and wastefulness humanity has turned the world that the heroes, and heroines of the story reside in into a desert wasteland. A once thriving world with plentiful water, and oceans now rendered drought stricken. Leaving the remaining inhabitants hopeless yet hopeful for salvation in the guise of a sought after legendary great power. Through conversations between the expedition force's leader Quinn, and her team of brave soldiers who set out on a mission for said great power we find that each member has their own backgrounds, and own inner struggles in mind as they face the uncertainty of their future together. A last bastion of hope set forth to find out just how hopeful the future will, or will not be.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Without Escape (PS4, PS Vita)

EastAsiaSoft's budget indie "Without Escape" is a game that will either try your patience with it's many puzzles, or have you so intrigued by it's underlying mystery that you'll go to any length to finish it. At it's heart it is a point and click horror indie that places you in the shoes of a kid whose parents are supposedly off visiting with their own parents. You arrive to an empty home late at night, have a cheap lasagna dinner, and go to bed thinking that all is right with the world. At precisely 2:45am you wake up to an odd noise suspecting a burglar, but find instead a house in slight disarray with a new mysterious painting that gives off odd vibes when you look at it. From there you point, and click your way through each room, and it's contents looking for items and information to get you to the next point in your search for explanations. Your immediate area of interest is small with blocked off entrances, and things that require other things to get into. The more you discover, and unlock the more the world around you changes, and morphs. Ultimately taking you, the character of the story, on an otherworldly journey into a Lovecraftian horror situation. What lies in wait is anyone's guess ...

Monday, December 16, 2019

Demons With Shotguns | A Pump Actioned Religious Fight & Smite Pixel Party Platformer

Demons With Shotguns is a competitive, and cooperative action platformer in the guise of a religiously themed 2D brawler/shooter. The kind of game that harkens back to Smash Brothers, but with a more mature tone. It features a handful of playable characters to choose from including a gruff cigar smoking angel, a traditional nun, a Satan looking deceiver, Death, a bulky demon, and a worse for wear preacher. Each with the same selection of weapons, and abilities. Including things like a shield for blocking and bashing, a shotgun with limited ammo for shooting, and a holy water bomb for tossing. These base abilities are further enhanced in-game, and within the modes by power-ups that come in the form of symbol marked tarot cards. Cards that can boost speed, and give other religious buffs like the power of Christ shield, the Holy Spirit damage boost, Angelic wings, and the power of Satan bullets. All things that once gathered activate under an announcer's voice that sounds an awfully lot like the honest trailers dude. Overall it's not the most complex game of it's kind, and as such it does have it's limitations in regards to fun value. If you buy into it you'll either be playing locally with friends in a 2-4 player versus mode, or you'll be going solo or locally co-op in a wave based fight for survival known as the "End of Time" against the minions of darkness with one other friend. With the available stages unlocked in order as you complete one of two difficulties per stage.

Straimium Immortaly | Space Ninjas Fighting Tha Queeni & Her Nasties

If "The Binding of Isaac" were warped six ways from Sunday, and thrown into the void of space in the presence of a crude alien narrator with worms gouging out it's eye sockets then "Stramium Immortaly" would be that experience. It's oddities, and innuendos know no Earthly bounds, and the stuff you'll encounter as a Straima Ninja is not something easily rationalized. Amid the grotesque alien world, and it's biologically diverse ecosystem you'll be tasked with engaging a randomized room to room hunt for loot, keys, and the final boss. It is a trek with numerous secrets to uncover, and mysteries to reveal. Much like Isaac's battle through his Mother's dungeon basement you will travel room by room dealing with deadly enemies of varying types as you find weapon upgrades, and abilities to see you through to the end. It is by no means an easy undertaking even with the modifiers you can unlock to cheat the system. Nor is it made any easier with the seed keys that can be generated for map replay.

Demon Pit | Arcade Arena Shooting In Hell

Demon pit, a pit of demons. That pretty much sums up this oldschool 3D arena shooter. You are basically a no named demon hunter who finally succumbs to death, and is thrown into the fiery pits of hell with the very demons you killed in life. While that would be torment in, and of itself, this unnamed and marked protagonist that you are is not unarmed. He comes packing a pistol with infinite ammo, and can collect new weapons as he faces endless waves of demonic denizens. The end goal, being to survive as long as humanly possible before being put back into the fray again with weapons collected remaining available. Outside of the simple plot it is a score based affair with a global leaderboard. A leaderboard with waves completed, and score accounted for.High scores being the endgame.