Showing posts with label Sticky DPad Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sticky DPad Games. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.6: "Q & A Sessions with the Developer & Programmer"

Today for "Fred's Fridays" I thought it would be nice to do a little "Q & A" session. I came up with some questions that covered the more personal aspect of the developer's (Adam), and the programmer's (Jamie) lifestyles. I also included some questions about their XBLIG projects, 'Dawn of the Fred', and 'Night of the Fred'. I felt this 'Q & A' session was a necessary step to better connect you (the readers/gamers) with the developer, and programmer. I always find it interesting to be able to know a developer on a more personal level, and I hope you feel the same way. I hope you enjoy this look at the more personal side of the developer, and programmer behind @StickyDPadGames. Without further adieu I present to you "Fred's Fridays Ep.6"!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.5: "Beware the Convicted!"

"Television just got all kinds of twisted! Meet the new 'Three Stooges'!"
'The Convicted' - According to game developer Adam Anderson these latest characters are part of a really nasty gang. The gang in the above picture is composed of two criminals, and a lunatic. You will find that this particular gang will be the sole gang of 'Dawn of the Fred', but that there will be other gangs within 'Night of the Fred'. What makes these gangs so dangerous (besides their origins - prison & the insane asylum) is the fact that they keep 'Exiled Zombies' as pets! It's probably best that you avoid these misfits of the apocalypse at all costs!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.4: "Encounters of the Worst Kind!!!"

"Pyramid Head ain't got @#$% on me!"
'Exiled Zombie' - Adam Anderson (@StickyDPadGames) says this particular zombie will be outside the survival maps, in between you and a merchant that's in the upcoming games. From the way Adam describes him he will deal some serious damage to Fred if he notices him. The only way to avoid this monstrosity will be to hide in houses. It's best to not make a sound if you're anywhere near this fellow!

The above picture is of an in-game character ('Exiled Zombie') for @StickyDPadGame's upcoming 'Dawn of the Fred' & 'Night of the Fred' indie games that will be released this year. I hope you enjoy the 'Silent Hill' related caption as well as the following piece of Fred's story that picks up where Fred was left off two episodes back ...