Friday, August 5, 2011

Mortal Kombat (Xbox 360): "Out of the SSFIV Frying Pan & Into the Fire"

Most of you that follow me on Twitter, or Youtube know that I have major issues with fighting game spammers, and online gaming tomfoolery (foolishness ^.^). When I pay $64 for a game I expect the online mode to be enjoyable. Mortal Kombat totally fails in this area. The main reason I got Mortal Kombat was for the online mode. I had recently owned it for the PS3, but never actually got to play online due to the Sony hacking incident.  I figured that since the game was getting so much good hype that it would be worth buying again. I was definitely anxious to try the online since I had missed out earlier.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who Is God? (XBLIG): "Heavenly Tower Jumping"

Magiko Gaming the developers behind intense XBLIG titles like 'Platformance: Temple Death', and 'Platformance: Castle Pain' brings you 'Who Is God?'. It is a competitive game in which you must bounce your way to the heavens, and see who is truly the God of online gaming. As the Gamer/God you can choose from four different Deities. These Gods of different cultures, and backgrounds include God/Zeus?, Ganesha, Buddha, and an Alien (for those who don't want to go with an actual God). Instead of shooting for hi-scores your goal is actually to see who can bounce the highest (in km/kilometers) via various types of floating platforms. This goal is further complicated by a limited amount of boost jumps which you can earn by collecting different types of stars. The game is solely based on leaderboards (online & local), hence the title 'Who Is God?'. If you plan on making the top score you will need to focus on star collecting, and landing properly on the right platforms ...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV: AE "The Failing State of Capcom's Fighting Games"

Those of you who have taken the time to read my reviews have most likely read my 'SSFIV:AE' review. I have many issues with the SSFIV game, and the online gaming it offers. Capcom's release of the 'Arcade Edition' was deemed as the 'hardcore' players version. It is anything but that. What Capcom has done is taken a halfway decent game, and made it even worse. The extra characters such as Yun, and Yang only made the online spamming population even more unbearable. Yun, and Yang's quick jab combos make for an inescapable mess. Capcom should learn from the upcoming 'Skull Girls' XBLA fighting game and make a break system for such combos. This is the only way I see Capcom reviving themselves from this major letdown of a release. In fact if SSFIV:AE is any hint at what the online gameplay of 'Street Fighter x Tekken' is going to be then they are going to fail miserably. Another point I want to make is that the computer opponent A.I. in SSFIV:AE has been made to mirror some of the worst players you will encounter in online SSFIV gaming. The computer opponent will constantly spam fireballs/projectiles, as well as other special moves. They will also dish out the inescapable throw combos, and the crowding that you see from the bad players of SSFIV. If this is what Capcom calls 'hardcore' gaming then you can count me out!

Phase Runner (XBLIG): "A Terrain Changing Avatar Runner"

Phase Runner is a unique XBLIG title with 3D style visuals that was recently released on the Xbox 360 by thelostone (The developer). It features a unique style gameplay as well as soothing relaxing music that is accented by a female's voice. Aside from that fact this is one of the only XBLIG titles out there that incorporates your Xbox 360 avatar into the game. Phase Runner takes shmup style gameplay, removes the bullets, and turns it into a running/escape type of game. The forever changing terrain that lies underneath your feet definitely presents a challenge.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Trailer Park King (XBLIG): "The Next Evolution In Trailer Park Humor"

Freelance Games recently released their new XBLIG game 'Trailer Park King' for 80 msp. I had played the trial before asking them for a review code. The trial made me laugh so hard I couldn't resist a chance to see the full game, and deliver my verdict to you guys. While the simple art style may turn away most gamers, I found that there was something special about this title. Freelance Games did an excellent job in telling this strange, and unique tale of a guy named 'King' ...