Friday, March 9, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.2: "Characters Revealed!!!"

"Four Felonious Fredites ..."
Well it seems Fred has run into some rather suspicious looking characters since the last time we saw him. While wandering aimlessly through the white noise that is "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno" he stumbled upon these rather animated persons of interest. The rough looking dude with the unshaven face beat the bejeezus out of poor Fred with a styrofoam wiffle ball bat leaving him dazed, and confused (but physically alright). Shortly after that a muscle bound guy used Fred for his weight lifting routine at the very spot where the unshaven dude had left him. A lovely young lady stood by and watched as the oddly horrific scene unfolded, and comforted Fred as he wobbled about from the traumatizing event. Some poor kid who was watching from a distance weeped, because the unshaven dude had stolen his yo-yo after fleeing from the scene of the incident that Fred had found himself in. Unfortunately all four characters including the innocent lady, and weeping boy were apprehended by the digital department of justice (D.D.J.). They were placed in a police line-up which Fred had to point out the culprits from. As dazed as Fred is it's hard to tell who he will pick from the line-up. One thing is for sure though, next Friday will be very interesting ...

'Dawn of the Fred' is scheduled for a Summer 2012 release, and 'Night of the Fred' is scheduled for an October 2012 release on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace (XBLIG)!!!

Feel free to stop by stickydpad for insight on the developers, and their work. You can also follow my indie friend via Twitter stickydpadgames if you haven't done so already!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Street Fighter x Tekken (Xbox 360): "A Greedy Money Making Fighter By The Capcom Corporation"

As a friend, or follower you have likely seen my ranting, and raving on Twitter about "Street Fighter x Tekken". I will honestly say that there are a few things that really p*** me off in the world of gaming, but none have been as severe as this. I have practically raged over the loss of my $60 to Capcom for this crappy fighting game. What Capcom has basically done is release a game that looks as if it was still in the BETA state of testing. This is beyond ridiculous. To further add salt to the wound Capcom has basically created the game as a bare bones title. A lot of the content that you would think should be readily available within the game such as additional colors, and combos are likely to be released as future DLC. This info comes from some pretty reliable sources, and from my own personal in-game experience. I have yet to find a way to unlock the colors, and can find nothing about it online. I am seriously beyond mad about what Capcom has done.

Friday, March 2, 2012

An OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno Exclusive: "FREDS FRIDAYS Are Here!!!"

Well folks, I have some interesting news to tell you ... It seems Fred has traversed the gaming afterlife, and has landed here at "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno (Not to be confused with Dante Alighieri's "Dante's Inferno")". After 7 weeks of sticking it out at his recent homestead of vvgtv Fred has decided to wander the barren streets of the unknown here at this very blog. This newest online journey will chronicle his quest in a somewhat unorthodox manner. You will likely read odd things concerning Fred, and his antics in the weeks to come. These tidbits of information will be released in a haphazard style with no rhyme, or reason. One Friday you may get a screenshot of the game with some off-the-wall dialogue as to what is taking place in that particular scenario. You may even find some Q & A sessions with the developer of the indie game "Night of the Fred". Whatever you find you can be 100% sure it will be "interesting". Without further adieu ladies & gents, let the games begin!!!

'Dawn of the Fred' is scheduled for a Summer 2012 release, and 'Night of the Fred' is scheduled for an October 2012 release on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace (XBLIG)!!!

Feel free to stop by stickydpad for insight on the developers, and their work. You can also follow my indie friend via Twitter stickydpadgames if you haven't done so already!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Angry Fish: Deep Sea (XBLIG): "The Kittehs Have Taken To The Sea & The Angry Fish Are In Pursuit ... Again!"

Last year I got the chance to review FrozenSoft's XBLIG release of "Angry Fish". It was a fun, but flawed game (gravity/physic issues, lag ...) that scored some rather good ratings. After I did my playthrough, and review of "Angry Fish" I thought I'd be through with the series, but behold the developer released a sequel to the game! I was honestly reluctant to review it considering I didn't see much of a difference other than the visual locales, and the kitties with aqua suits. I figured my review of such a game would be kind of redundant in nature seeing that there wasn't much new to talk about. Regardless of this concern I decided to tackle the review. What I found was a new plot, different locales, new visuals, and possibly new obstacles/features ...