Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Crapcom or Capcom? That is the Question"

This morning while doing my usual routine Youtube browsing I happened upon a video from "ReviewTechUSA" detailing the current crisis that is plaguing Capcom. It seems that Capcom is about to lose their ass financially. They don't even have enough money in the bank to bring a Street Fighter port to the next-gen consoles! This is definitely bad news. While most of us, including myself have spent this year, and past years hating on Capcom I can't help but feel sorry for them. Sure, they pulled some serious crap in the way of DLC BS, and even produced some crappy titles along the way, but does that really warrant the all out hate bashing they received?

It seems to me that many gaming companies these days are failing in some way or another just as Capcom did. You have to keep in mind that it's not just Capcom making these mistakes. I remember, back in the day when Capcom was the go to company that every kid sought out when it came to their next gaming adventure/experience. They produced some of the best games the industry has ever seen. Things like "Resident Evil", 'Mega Man", and even the many fighting games they released throughout the years would not have been realized if it weren't for their creative genius. The fact is that we all make mistakes at some point in our lives. Does that mean we'll be screwed forever? HELL NO! The same thing applies to gaming companies such as Capcom. Given the proper chance they to could make things right, and regain their loyal fans' trust, tenfold.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

"Dante's Top Rules For Enjoying Online Gaming"

Everyone in their right mind knows that the current state of online gaming is a continuously growing cesspool filled with hackers, and cheaters. Kids these days think it's cool to troll the online population with their shenanigans, and cheat their way to the top of the online leaderboards. Since companies like MS, and Sony could give two shits about our enjoyment online the situation continues to worsen, and will likely worsen for the next generation of consoles as well. What is a guy, or gal to do about this BS? Well, I'm here to answer that question for you with a list of top rules to abide by when taking your gaming online. I hope that these helpful hints will steer you in the right direction, and help you to avoid the delinquent little assholes that aim to ruin your fun time.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!! (Oct. 2013)

Trick-or-Treat all ye sexy beasts ... and little childrens (^.^)! Today I chose to spend some time with my good old Mum who lives in the hood (literally). We reminisced about old times, and watched a few scary movies as we usually do during this particular holiday season. We even shared some candy amongst ourselves. It was a good day to say the least. There's just nothing quite like Halloween. By the way, The movies of choice for my "Halloween 2013" included "Twilight Zone The Movie", "Rocky Horror Picture Show", Stephen King's "IT", and Rob Zombie's remake of "Halloween". Before I go to bed I might even watch another horror flick here at my own house ...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD (XBLA)

Out of all the series that Konami has released none has captured my undivided attention as much as that of the "Castlevania" series. From it's humble beginnings as an 8-Bit NES game to it's more noteworthy recent releases such as that of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" the Belmont's struggle against Dracula, and his minions has gained a cult following like none other in the history of gaming. Perhaps it's the dark theme of it all, or the horror icon known as Dracula who continues to draw gamers into the fray that is "Belmont vs Dracula". Whatever the reason may be it is one series that we all hope will never end, and I'm fairly certain you'll all agree with me on that.

While the first few games in the 'Castlevania' series, and the numerous spin-offs that followed did little in the way of explaining the Belmont clan's origins it was no doubt the Metroidvania style gameplay applied to it that has kept the series afloat long enough for that tale to finally be told. Earlier this year, or perhaps a few years back 3DS owners were privileged to finally bare witness to the story behind the famous Belmont clan. It is this 3DS release of "Castlevania: LoS - Mirror of Fate" that brings the tale full circle just in time to make way for the final chapter of 'Lords of Shadow'. Thankfully we console gamers can now also enjoy the game in all it's glory via the PS3, or the Xbox 360. As you play through this newly enhanced HD version of "Mirror of Fate" you'll get to witness what 3DS owners experienced earlier on. Through your playthrough you will come to understand why the Belmont clan's struggle against Dracula is a personal one, and why they must at some point put an end to Dracula's Tyranny, even if it means sacrificing their own lives in the process.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Guided Fate Paradox (PS3)


Those of you who have been faithful to the Disgaea series will no doubt recall the mention of the angelic realm of "Celestia" during your many playthroughs. While Celestia has never really been shown in all of it's glory it's angels have often times showed up in some form, or fashion within the netherworld of Disgaea. Thankfully the lads, and lasses at 'NIS America' have finally decided to bring to light the world of Celestia, it's many inhabitants, and the mythology that encompasses it with this latest follow-up release. Not only did they flesh out this angelic realm in "The Guided Fate Paradox" by including a deeply involved story, but they also gave the game an art style that is entirely different from that of the Disgaea series making the story more of a unique experience. It's this anime inspired theme that will have Disgaea players gawking in amazement at the display unfolding before their eyes. Everything from the anime inspired intro to the actual gameplay will most definitely prove to the gamers that NIS America has yet to run out of noteworthy ideas in their niche RPG lineage.