Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let's Talk - "Youtube's Copyright Apocalypse Pt. 2"

Okay, with all conspiracy theories aside let us talk about what's really going on with Youtube, and my personal thoughts on the matter. Over the past few days I have sit through, and watched video after video of famous Youtube commentators, and content providers giving their take on what has happened as well as what is happening with the ContentID / Copyright-gate system. While Angry Joe pretty much nailed the issue on the head I'm beginning to believe that this is 90% a problem brought on by Youtube's recently applied ContentID system , 5% an issue brought on by companies with legit claims, and 5% claims made out of pure BS. Last week, even though I do not in any way monetize my videos I was hit with a copyright strike from a company that doesn't even exist. They claimed that a one second frame of the video containing the developer's logo, and a piece of the Dolby Digital logo was somehow their property. Curious, I looked the SOBs up, and could not find any company by that name on the internet.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Doctor Sleep (BOOK)

If you are into Stephen King books, and movies as I am you'll have no doubt read, or watched his older masterpiece, "The Shining". The Shining, which got it's name from one of the main character's special abilities told a horrific tale of a haunted hotel getaway in which the Torrence family lived out a truly terrifying ordeal. There were plenty of ghastly guests to keep the family of three on their toes, and the fact that Jack Torrence (The Father) was growing madder with each passing day made the otherworldly predicament all the more dire. Aside from Jack Torrence his young son Danny, and his wife Wendy also took on major roles as guests of the haunted hotel. In the end, and through many nerve racking encounters Danny's imaginary friend gave the family enough warning to enable Mrs. Torrence, and her son to make a proper getaway. It is also this imaginary friend known as Tony who allowed them both to witness the more horrific haunts contained within the confines of the massive hotel during their earlier days there. Both Daniel Torrence, and his Mother Wendy Torrence eventually make a narrow escape leaving Jack to be forever lost amongst the ghostly apparitions of the Overlook Hotel. That of course is where "The Shining" ends, and "Doctor Sleep" picks up.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Strength of the Sword 3 - The War Golem (PSN)

When I first saw the trailer to "Strength of the Sword 3" there's a couple of things that immediately popped up into my mind. One of those thoughts was "Where the heck are the first two games!?", and secondly "Why have I never heard of this game before!?". The game looked really impressive to be from an indie studio (Ivent), and definitely looked worthy of a review. The fact that the game was boasted about as being a truly hardcore experience that only skilled gamers would enjoy definitely caught my attention. I knew that if the hype were true that "Dark Souls", and "Demon's Souls" players would definitely be interested in knowing about it. Even though games with such a hard learning curve usually turn away a majority of gamers, there's actually a select group of truly hardcore gamers who love such a challenge.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lets' Talk - "Youtube's Copyright Apocalypse"

This morning while doing my usual Youtube browsing I happened upon one of the most unnerving videos ever related to the gaming/entertainment industry. Boogie2988, the great Youtuber that he is decided to give us fair warning about Youtube's copyright policy change, and did so in a well spoken and professional manner. He was to the point with his argument, and everything he said was relevant. For that I'm truly thankful. I myself have been hit in the past by copyright claims, an would hate to have to pony up a serious amount of dough for legal purposes for my continued inactions. Being hit by a copyright notice earlier in the week was enough I to make me take the hint, and clean out my own Youtube channel this morning. I think deep down I knew this day was coming, especially seeing as the gaming industry as a whole has become one large greedy cesspool. There's no doubt in my mind that game developers, console makers, and entertainment providers alike are going to see this thing through to it's bitter end. All they are concerned about is getting rich, and they don't care how they go about it. You better believe that these creators of the gaming/entertainment industry could care less about the consumer, and more about themselves.

Monday, December 9, 2013

"Birds of Lore" by Ryan Durney (Book, ebook, iOS, Tablet)

Copyright © Ryan Durney 2013
As a fan of mythology, and art I consider myself lucky to have stumbled across a retweet that one of my fellow Twitter followers had passed along. The message was about a book kickstarter that had actually made it through the crowd funding process. Ryan Durney the author of this magnificent tale of mythological birds, and the time traveler who traveled through the past, present, and future to learn all that he could of them created a story that is not unlike an H.G.Wells novella. Both the art included, and the words that followed all held an exquisite tone that was truly rich in nature. Parts of the story definitely reminded me of H.G.Wells' "The Time Machine" while other parts seemed like tales inspired by pages, and inscriptions of ancient world myths. All of it came together quite nicely, and looked impressive enough to warrant the $30 price tag.

Friday, December 6, 2013

MvC3, Tomb Raider & Alice: Madness Returns Minimates (Diamond Select Toys)

Since 1999 "Diamond Select Comics" has been bringing to the forefront toys that cater to a more mature audience. Among their collection you'll find everything from comic book superheroes to movie villains of a vast assortment. Thing's like the sinfully sweet statues of the characters from "Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose" are not out of the question when it comes to Diamond Select's toy production line. This is one of the many reasons I sought to bring reviews on Diamond Select Toy's offerings to your attention. Toys are still very much a happening thing, and as such I know that some of you will be interested in knowing about what's available. Through my shared toy critiques I hope that you gain the knowledge needed to make a smart collector's choice, and that my reviews continue to enlighten you about today's Diamond Select toy offerings. Knowing what's available, and what's of good quality, or rarity are three important things that all toy collectors need to know if they are going to have a noteworthy collection themselves.