Monday, October 12, 2015

Playstation Communities - OtakuDante's Fight Club

After finding out about the new PS4 community feature I took it upon myself to start up a community geared towards fighting games, and the enthusiasts who love them. As the title of this post suggests the name of said community is, "OtakuDante's Fight Club". It is for both experienced gamers, and newcomers looking to get into the genre. I'm hoping that the more experienced players will extend open arms, and tutor those willing to learn the tricks of the trade in a sort of mentoring leadership. That is the goal of my community. That, and simply having fun playing the games. As of now I only have a few members joined, but I am looking for any active participants who aren't going to troll me, or the other legit players who join. No mods are allowed, and that includes the use of modded controllers with mapping functions. As of now the membership is open to anyone wanting to join, but might change if things get out of hand.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Onigiri (PS4)

Today I took the time to try out CyberStep's free-to-play Japanese/Anime MMORPG "Onigiri", and was pleasantly surprised at what I found when I dedicated some time in figuring it out. Beyond the initial setup that required an email and password, and further beyond the Tecmo Koei inspired character customization menu I entered perhaps one of the more oddly beautiful gaming experiences I've had the privilege of playing this year. While the graphics do look like something ripped straight from the PS2 era, and are outdated for being on a console like the PS4 the world in which you play, and the mythological creatures you encounter in battle more than make up for the more poorly applied design elements. It truly is a Japanese inspired role-playing experience in every way imaginable. Even the soundtrack screams "Japan!". As a matter of fact a couple of Japan's own flagship games, and gaming series come to mind when I think of "Onigiri". Digging deep beyond the facade, and into the skeletal structure of the game that is, "Onigiri" I find that it reminds me a lot of the quest oriented N64 "The Legend of Zelda" games as well as the hack 'n slash centric "Toukiden: Kiwami" games that were recently released on the PS Vita, and PS4 consoles. Unfortunately everything that makes this free-to-play experience a gem could fall short of impressing the American audience it's aiming to captivate for the simple fact that it's not explained nearly well enough.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Weekly Update - Oct. 6, 2015

This morning I spent some quality time with friends playing through Destiny's weekly Nightfall, and uncovering a secret that's tied to god knows what in the Daily strike? Afterwards I did my morning routine of tidying up the place, getting a bite to eat for breakfast, and spending some time on Twitter chatting it up with my other friends. To me it's time well spent even if I'm not currently obligated to deliver a review. Speaking of game reviews I have been seeking out possible review prospects, but due to the availability issues, and my limitations with PR I'm finding it difficult to gain anything. I did, however go out to Gamestop last night, and pre-ordered "Dragon's Quest Heroes" for the PS4 which I'd be glad to review if anyone wishes to know more about it. In the meantime I'll be gaming for myself, and doing a couple of dvd reviews for my "Adult" blog readers. I do realize I need to post something of significance soon on this blog though, or risk forfeiting some of my loyal followers. Just keep in mind I am reaching out for review material, and that I'm still trying to keep this blog afloat.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Weekend Blog Log (Oct. 3, 2015)

It is Saturday, or rather late into Saturday of October the 3rd. I've mostly sat on my ass today tweeting to friends on Twitter via the old PC, and have spent a lot of the extra time off playing Destiny. Despite my lingering complaints about the game it is one those gaming experiences that has kept my undivided attention. I think most of that can be attributed to my friends' love for the game, and my return love for gaming with said friends. I have to admit that I do value what little time I have with my friends each evening in Destiny. It's a friendly conversational opportunity that I'm not afforded very often outside of social media text chat. Though my contribution to said conversations consists of mostly out of place exclamations, singing, and a lot of "dude" talk I still get to speak my piece about gaming, which I enjoy greatly. The one-on-one sessions with my friend 'Trouble' always gives me the opportunity to open up even more about my day, hobbies, and gaming passions. In return I also listen to her about her day, and her thoughts on things. It's a friendship that I couldn't do without, and one that I'm truly thankful for.