Monday, February 8, 2016

Online Gaming Has Gone To Hell

For the past month I've been waging a mostly silent behind-the-scenes war with those PSN players who would go out of their way to do me wrong, and the moderators at Sony who don't seem to care that they are doing so. This past weekend I hit the boiling point. I reached the end of my rope. I erupted on social media voicing my concerns, and my opinions about the situation. At one point I tweeted directly at Ed Boon in regards to the 'MKX Enhanced Online Beta'. I told him how I was being trolled, and that the way he went about running the Beta program was wrong. I even mentioned how those who are out to ruin the online experience in MKX are currently in control of it, and are more than likely giving false feedback. Did he reply? Did he listen? Nope. Like everything else I've said it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

On top of that Sony, and the trolls who I face in every f**king online game I play on the PS4 are trolling me as well. I get spam f**ked by Sony with their repeat copy & pasted messages regarding my grief reports (which come back almost immediately showing that they didn't even investigate properly). The real sh*t kicker with that is I cannot turn the messages from Sony off, and they know it. Apparently they think I'm playing some sort of childish game by reporting as many PSN players as I do, so they get back at me with pointless spam. As far as the trolls go I found out that they are indeed targeting me, because my PSN ID has become synonymous with calling out the troublemakers as they are. I ended up making a couple of extra PSN IDs to test the waters, and see if it was me being targeted, or if I was a normal everyday victim. It turns out that I am indeed a target. I'm now getting spit roasted by Sony, and the PS4 trolls.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel (PS4)

I've seen anime fighters come, and go along with their interesting mechanics, their unusual character rosters, and their flashy special effects. I've seen most of them turn into virtual ghost towns that only dedicated Japanese gamers bother playing as well. I've even seen some of them do fairly better than others. The Guilty Gear, and Blazblue series comes to mind in regards to that latter remark. When it comes to XSEED's, and Marvelous' anime crossover, "Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel" I think the game lands somewhere in the middle of the mark. It's neither great, nor is it a huge disaster. I think this forty dollar fighter has something catchy, but at the same time feel that the asking price is a bit too steep even though it is on new-gen hardware. What you have to understand is that the developer went all out to make the game flashy, attractive, and functional in a fighting game sense but failed to offer the gamer some essentials that have become a must for fighting game fans. Sure it looks nice from the cover image to the main menus, and even the gameplay, but where it really counts it struggles a bit to captivate a genre veteran such as myself.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Let's Get Political 2016

Yes, I am going there. Prepare yourself for the "Burn"! (Burn, get it? Bern? xD) ...

It is 2016, and politics in some form or fashion has bled through the internet firewalls, onto social media, through the boob tube, and further onto the tips of the tongues of the worldly citizens. Whether you want to believe it or not the information you think you know to be true is passed down, diluted, reworked, and manipulated from it's origin source. The sad thing is most of us (including myself) are guilty of taking such things at face value. We believe what Tom said. Tom, of course heard if first from Harry, a man who heard it first from Dick. So forth, and so on. We don't stop to question where the so-called facts originated from. We don't consider the actual sources, or their validity. Someone out there is pulling our strings, and we are so blinded by our unwarranted rage, and blame that we fail to see it. They are working our nerves, and guiding our actions through our misguided emotions, and opinions. For all we know the nameless instigator on social media whom we don't know from Adam, or Eve could be debating with us on that party's, or individual's behalf. We just don't know ...

Friday, January 29, 2016

Megadimension Neptunia VII - "Zero Dimension Neptunia Z" (PS4)

Over the years, and through different Playstation consoles the series that is "Hyperdimension Neptunia" has evolved, and improved in various ways. The gameplay, the visuals, and even the soundtrack have been tweaked over time to bring to the gamer the most inviting experience possible. While the mechanics, and gameplay constantly hold strong to the game's root theme the underlying plot that accompanies each narrative heavy tale only changes to fit in with the goings on of the current real world gaming industry. For those of you who have never played a 'Hyperdimension Neptunia" game the series is basically a parody of real world gaming industry topics, and concerns. The fantasy driven tales encompass everything from the console wars to journalist and community based opinions, and even the state of the industry. Often times the characters, which were created specifically for the game's lore are tied in with various consoles, and even operate as nation rulers in their own alternate game industry (Gameindustri). Like the console makers of our industry these characters, or 'CPUs' battle it out with each other for shares, and favor among their fans. Even with this mirrored storytelling logic set firmly in place as Neptunia's foundation the games in the series remain as their own unique experience, and keep things both lighthearted, and fun while doing so. For me, it's the one video game series that has always brought a smile to my face, and laughter to my stressed out life. Having also played Idea Factory's and Compile Heart's latest release of 'Megadimension Neptunia VII' I still find myself pleasantly surprised, and happy with what the developer has produced.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Red Game Without a Great Name (PS VITA)

When it comes to the naming of this game I think iFun4All's approach is rather innovative, and catchy. In fact I caught myself singing out the title of the game earlier today for no apparent reason. I'm crazy like that, lol! As far as the title of the game is concerned the only thing it really describes in regards to the gameplay is the colored theme you'll be seeing throughout your playthrough as well as the fact that the game is void of a proper name. Aside from those two things the game does still stand out on it's own as a uniquely challenging experience with a simple yet effective backstory. It does alright for itself by providing easy to understand content which the gamer can enjoy at home, or on the go. In retrospect it is one of those 2D side-scrolling, and finger swiping mobile types of games which you often times see as indie apps. While it is easy to pick up, and put down mastering it will require some seriously quick reactions, and interactions as you will be facing the task of delivering secret letters via a teleporting mechanical bird in a trap infested steampunk world.