Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Weapon of Choice DX | PS4 Review

Weapon of choice was originally an XBLIG (Xbox Live Indie Game) release on the Xbox 360. It was created by a developer known as Mommy's Best Games. The same developer that rereleased their shmup 'Shoot 1up' on the PS4 not too long ago. Like most of the developer's creations this game also features a unique art style all it's own. Mostly hand drawn, and articulated creature and character creations put into a wacky, and wonderfully weird world of unusual patchworked design. 

In the world of Weapon of Choice DX, as it were, we find unusually equipped soldiers tied to an U.N.P. governmental organization that is fighting the annihilation of the human species. The year is 2188, and an alien race known as the Chuul has begun eradication measures against humankind. Torn between the leadership of a U.N.P. general, and a mysterious alien contact the soldiers under your control must make it through the branching paths as they try to stay alive, and save those that have fallen. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Lamentum | PS4 Review

Neon Doctrine's Lamentum is a pixel perfect blend of psychologically driven Lovecraftian horror, and traditional survival horror. In the vein of 90's era horror games. It features an inventory, and item system Resident Evil fans will be quite familiar with. Complete with limited space for item carry, and puzzle solving elements tied to the protagonist, and his plight. With the puzzling nature of the harrowing adventure the journey at hand is one that isn't easily foreshadowed, or predictable. 

Speaking of which this somber, and haunting tale of one's willingness to do anything to keep their beloved alive comes to life in the most visceral manners possible. An emotional rollercoaster ride of fear, dread, and a love that keeps a person going. It drives the player to keep pushing their way through despite whatever obstacles lie in wait. There is an air of delusion, and fragmented memories leading the player to want to uncover the truth that obviously lies beyond the madness. It's a visually puzzling setting with an ambient atmosphere that draws one in, but at the same time keeps them on the edge of their seats in anticipation of the horrors that haunt Grau Hill. A place visited not out of whim but in desperation by Victor, the protagonist, who seeks in said desperation the physical salvation of his dying betrothed, Alissa.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Mayhem Brawler | PS4 Review

Brawlers, or beat 'em ups are a genre best suited for the arcade scene or couch co-op with friends. Some of the best brawlers in said genre hailed from the 90's era of gaming, and brought with them familiar characters from the comic book, fighting game, or roleplaying scene. Some even featured their own lore, and mythology. In that regard "Mayhem Brawler" fits perfectly into the current resurfacing of these brawlers, but progressively so. 

Featuring a comic book inspired look, and a trio of super-powered meta-humans we find a world that takes inspiration from our own. Almost to the point of parody. With characters, and baddies that are a hot take on social ideals, and identities. Things like body positivity, female empowerment, and diversity. At the helm we have a dude named Trouble who has some nasty claws. We also have a meta-human named Dolphin which looks like a mutant dolphin hybrid. A brute of a beast. Lastly there's Star who is a blonde haired femme fatale that has telekinetic powers. The trio act as the heroes against an evil empire that is running experiments on meta-humankind. When it  comes to setting their world looks like a 90's alternate reality with a sort of Miami Vice aesthetic, and in it the trio of heroes beats their way through mobs, and bosses while posting their antics to social media.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Rogue Explorer | PS4 Review

Eastasiasoft's "Rogue Explorer" is a stage by stage Metroidvania platformer with roguelite elements, and an easily accessible crafting system. In it you take on the role of a customizable explorer as they explore newly themed areas, and the depths therein to find the loot and coin needed to progress further on their journey. Perils come in the form of lesser enemies, and bosses that vary from stage to stage. The stage themes consist of about four to six rooms each with the exit to each room being a purple vortex hidden somewhere in the mix of the maze that each stage is. An exit which an onscreen pointer points you towards from your spawning point. 

As you make your way through each maze-like interior you'll find chests to loot, and item drops or coins from downed enemies that stand in your way. The item bags provide materials as well as the occasional equipment piece for your explorer. These stages are made accessible via a menu system at a village hub area where three staple menu features are present. At the hub you can spend coin on permanent skill upgrades via the ability menu. Things like extra health, dodge ability boosts, and critical hit boosts among other things. Stacking them for use in follow-up playthroughs. You can also visit the guild menu where access to the named stages are there to choose from. Each initially accessible with only an explore option immediately available. A playthrough that requires full completion before the depth explore option is opened up for additional loot farming purposes.