Showing posts with label OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Langrisser 1 & 2 Remake (PS4)

If options are your thing, and JRPGs your fling then this remake of a classic series for modern consoles might just be up your alley. With Langrisser 1, and 2 the way you approach the chapter to chapter story driven scenarios as the hero of the day are up to you. From your indoctrination as said hero, and your plight within the game's given world as a commander of mercenaries you'll find plenty of tactical situations with plenty of options at your beckon call. Done up in a per scenario setup you will find preset maps, and minions with their own commanders that are after you, and other NPCs for a variety of different reasons. As you battle it out alone, or with NPC allies in a familiar grid, and turn based affair while micro-managing your troops', and assisting commanders' every action you will find that strategy is king. That also being equipped with the skills, items, classes, spells, and mercenaries necessary for victory is the only way you'll see the two stories through to their end.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Grizzland (PS4)

Sometimes simplicity can make for a beautiful spectacle in the world of pixels, and video games. I think the layered 1-bit nature, and scale of black to white within Grizzland achieves something both impressive to look at, and fun to play. It is a well thought out, and well constructed Metroidvania that doesn't hand hold, but gives the gamer just enough comprehension to move forward, explore, and uncover the many secrets hidden within. With basic combat and platforming tools at your disposal you, as the main character, must try to bring back to life the thirsty plant life while finding out exactly why it is you are on this adventure. You'll face alien threats along the way as well as some puzzle solving situations. There's plenty of backtracking to be done, and hidden areas to find. You'll even find scattered notes that get tucked away in your journal disclosing the details of the world around you, and your role therein.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle (REVIEW)

Having jumped on the retro bundle bandwagon I think Arc System Works has done good to bring to the gamer a larger than average collection of classic titles that will no doubt take the player or players on a trip down memory lane. Whether you grew up playing the Double Dragon series, Renegade, River City Ransom, or any of the sports drama spin-offs like Dodge Ball from the Kunio-kun franchise you will find those games intact, and upgraded with tweaks that not only revive said brawlers, but that do so for an entirely new generation to experience. Containing 18 games in total with an ease of access menu featuring quality updated versions or the originals as they once were along with optional additions such as wallpapers as well as offline and online play "Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle" aims to fill that nostalgic void that might be empty in your own personal gaming library.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Project Starship (PS4)

For five dollars you are getting what you paid for with Panda Indie Studio's, "Project Starship". It's nothing large scale, or new-gen, but in it's flashy simplicity it harbors a surprisingly impressive replay value if you look beyond the lack of an online leaderboard. Said replay value coming in the form of high score opportunities that can be streamed for record sake. That and some easy to earn PSN trophies. With the noteworthy replay value you will also find randomized rogue-like features which will alter the experience in each of the given playthroughs making no playthrough exactly alike.

At base level Project Starship is a top-down upward auto-scrolling shmup of chunky proportions set in an Lovecraftian universe with rogue-like elements at play. A very flashy display of nonstop action filled with amateurish hand drawn art put into lightly animated pixel form. All accented by an oddly digitized voice inclusive chiptune soundtrack. It features two playable protagonists in the form of Garret, and Gwen who are each made available from the start alongside two distinct difficulty settings. These male and female astronauts who fly in their own blue and red colored spacecraft of the same build face the cosmic horrors before them as you guide them along through the lit up abyss.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Psikyo Shooting Stars Bravo (REVIEW)

Psikyo Shooting Stars Bravo puts the anime into aerial combat with six wacky wave based games centered around an unusual roster of characters. Included in this bundle is a mix and match of two well renown trilogies. Including that of Samurai Aces, and GunBird. Each sporting their own plots, settings, mythologies, and mechanics. All done up in both side-scrolling, and top-down shoot 'em up fashion. It's fast and frenetic gameplay with new optional bells and whistles to help you see each game through to the end beyond the staple quarter munching mockery, and seven different difficulty settings. If you are a fan of shmups, bullet hell, or even brick breaking of the retro kind this might just be the ultimate collection for you!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Azur Lane: Crosswave (REVIEW)

To say I was really looking forward to reviewing this game would be an understatement. I've seen images of the Azur Lane art over the years, and something about anime girls with battleship parts attached to them really seemed cool to me. Other than previously viewed character images though I never really knew what the story behind the fleet of leading ladies was. That all changed when I began playing IFI's "Azur Lane: Crosswave". Not only did the game tell the basic origin story of the girls of the four nations of the Azur Lane planet, but it also built upon said lore with a new deeply involved tale involving a new threat. It seems the girls with battleship rigs are known as Kansen, and their adversary within Crosswave, Sirens. The Kansen, which are class based ship rigged heroines who defend their own nations with an arsenal of weapons as well as special skills come face to face with the equally, or more well armed Sirens whose intentions are yet unknown. In a chance encounter during a training session orchestrated by Takao, Shimakaze and Sugura of the Sakura Empire stumble upon the invading Sirens, and their invading mass-produced fleet. Ultimately discovering new cube-like technology amid the wreckage, and a lingering question regarding the Siren's intentions.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Code Shifter (PS4)

Shifting from fighting games to fan service Arc System Works brings to us a gaming experience unlike any seen before in their gaming library. One that shows us a hands on side of game development while allowing us to tackle one of the biggest issues therein via platforming means. This game that is centered around action platforming is tied to the outside work of a fictional development crew run by a handful of studio staff members that are each experiencing bugs in their latest project. It seems a hacker or someone on the inside has infected their software with a transformative virus. In order to combat the virus, and get to the bottom of the problem a programmer by the name of Stella creates a code shifter program with an avatar named Sera that can enter the code, and correct any problems that are occurring. This is where, you the gamer, step in. You get to control Sera in avatar form as she gains help from other Arc System Works characters which she can transform into, and use as assists as she collects data crystals, breaks bug boxes, and destroys attacking viruses. This is a folder by folder or stage by stage ordeal with each of the staff's folders containing inner stages of varying difficulties that must be completed in order to unlock, and fully correct said folder's programmed content.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire (PS4)

Some people play shmups for the story ... Who am I kidding!? People play shmups for the high score opportunities! Yep, that's it. Interestingly enough though Alfa Systems shmup "Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire" offers the best of both worlds. A story regarding five fabled sisters destined to stop an ultimate evil known as Seytan (Satan???), and unique shoot 'em up mechanics with which to top the global leaderboards. As far as the story goes it's an interesting tale of sibling rivalry that ends up doing an about face over a man who is the romantic center of attention. The five leading ladies including Sonay, Selma, Nur, Ece, and Lale all have their hearts set on wedding the man of the hour, Yashin. What transpires between them is a wacky war of words, and will. With their familiars, their sharp tongues, and their magic abilities they enter the heat of battle as brides to be or not to be.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Arc of Alchemist (PS4)

Some games really hit home with their storytelling, and reflect the state of the world you and I live in. I think it's safe to say that IFI's new action JRPG does exactly that. Arc of Alchemist takes the player on a fantasy adventure based on a grim future. Through war, and wastefulness humanity has turned the world that the heroes, and heroines of the story reside in into a desert wasteland. A once thriving world with plentiful water, and oceans now rendered drought stricken. Leaving the remaining inhabitants hopeless yet hopeful for salvation in the guise of a sought after legendary great power. Through conversations between the expedition force's leader Quinn, and her team of brave soldiers who set out on a mission for said great power we find that each member has their own backgrounds, and own inner struggles in mind as they face the uncertainty of their future together. A last bastion of hope set forth to find out just how hopeful the future will, or will not be.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Warhammer: Vermintide II Ultimate Ed. (PS4)

The world of Warhammer has a deep lore that spans different mythologies tied to battles between different races of creatures. From the Space Hulks in the future of 40K to the Chaos Barbarians, and Skaven rat folk of End Times there is no lack of source material for the games that come to console or PC. Here in "Warhammer: Vermintide II", for example, we find a sort of medieval horror taking root in a kingdom under siege by the Skaven, and Chaos Barbarian armies. As foretold by King Sigmar darkness always returns, and none know this better than the odd assortment of heroes, and heroines whose fate is tied to this episodic sequel. Thankfully they escape the prisons, and looming execution at hand. Ultimately banding together in a fight against the Vermintide, and their efforts to usher in the Chaos.

Willy Jetman: Astromonkey's Revenge (PS4)

Have you ever heard of or played Solar Jetman on the NES? If you haven't it is a metroidvania space salvage game where you guide a ship pod, and an astronaut with a jet pack in zero gravity as you collect parts for your mothership. Your goal in that game was to find all the ship parts, and tow them back to the mothership piece by piece. Along the way you'd get ship upgrades, and find hidden treasures that would add to your overall score. All done in zero gravity inclusive planet environments with a maze-like design that harbored enemies, and hazards that must be avoided to succeed in your mission. Well, Willy Jetman takes that core premise, changes it enough to be different, and makes it more about metroidvania platforming and recycling instead of salvaging parts via a spaceship ...

At the beginning of the playthrough of "Willy Jetman: Astromonkey's Revenge" the story elements are laid out in two parts. In one part Astromonkey is caught with his pants down taking a poo in his own ship's bathroom as an asteroid heads in his direction. This results in his ships cargo falling down onto planet Gravos along with parts of the very same ship. Shortly after that intro we get Willy's entrance into the world of Gravos. There we guide him to save the alien residents from a dragon before stopping by a campfire to tell the tale of how Willy became the hero he is. This tale from Willy takes us back a few days earlier where he, and his "garbage" ship Gladys set out to clean-up the fallen ship debris. What ensues is a comical relationship between the AI ship Gladys, and Willy the Jetman. A relationship that unfolds as Willy goes about recycling the debris, and scavenging the planet for resources as well as gear to help him move forward.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Without Escape (PS4, PS Vita)

EastAsiaSoft's budget indie "Without Escape" is a game that will either try your patience with it's many puzzles, or have you so intrigued by it's underlying mystery that you'll go to any length to finish it. At it's heart it is a point and click horror indie that places you in the shoes of a kid whose parents are supposedly off visiting with their own parents. You arrive to an empty home late at night, have a cheap lasagna dinner, and go to bed thinking that all is right with the world. At precisely 2:45am you wake up to an odd noise suspecting a burglar, but find instead a house in slight disarray with a new mysterious painting that gives off odd vibes when you look at it. From there you point, and click your way through each room, and it's contents looking for items and information to get you to the next point in your search for explanations. Your immediate area of interest is small with blocked off entrances, and things that require other things to get into. The more you discover, and unlock the more the world around you changes, and morphs. Ultimately taking you, the character of the story, on an otherworldly journey into a Lovecraftian horror situation. What lies in wait is anyone's guess ...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha (NS)

Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha is an all-star compilation of previously unreleased Japanese arcade shmups. Ported to the Nintendo Switch for the Western audience in an easy to play, and truly gamer friendly way this collection of six different shoot 'em ups from the not so distant past offers tweaks, and gameplay with a variety of unique gimmicks tied to the base genre they hail from. Within the collection you get the first three entries of "Strikers 1945", "Sol Divide", "Dragon Blaze", and "Zero Gunner 2". Most of which are top down types with the exception of "Sol Divide" which is a side-scrolling shmup. With each game made accessible through a rotary menu with title image shown you not only gain instant access to whatever title you wish, but you also get settings that can be accessed through the plus button that allow you change such settings as the screen direction, the display filter, the credits count, the associated wallpaper, the set language, and even the dialogue's original or reworked subtitles. Along with all of that you gain access to sound settings, the control layout, and rule guides. For those of you worried about the quarter munching difficulty associated with each game the developer has been kind enough to throw in seven different difficulties ranging from "Monkey" to "Hardcore" as well as an unlimited credits option, and an increased life stock option to make the journey from beginning to end a little less abusive.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!! | 2019 A Year In Reflection ...

This year has been a roller coaster ride for me. I've had my ups, and my downs. Both in life, and in the review realm. I've struggled at times, and have triumphed on occasion. Out of all of it I found my most proud moments being the time I shared with my followers on social media. It is that time spent that pulled me through, that gave me purpose, and helped me soldier on when I wanted to give up and quit. The moral support was plentiful as were the thoughts and prayers. My friends, and my online family were definitely there for me when I needed it the most. I hope that with my shared wisdom, my advice, and the review posts I typed up I was, in some way, able to pay it all forward. I hope that at some point this year I was able to point my followers in the right direction. Whether it be in regards to video games, or life choices. I hope that I was as there for you as you were there for me.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Prophetic Predictions In Gaming: Erron Black & The Death of the Western World

Erron Black has been in two mainstay Mortal Kombat fighting games, and in both, his origins have remained a mystery that was only hinted at. Erron Black is the embodiment of the Western Cowboy or Outlaw within MK lore. His costumes, his weapons of choice, his voice-over, and his physical appearance accounts for this. Looking at Erron's namesake, and his presence in recent MK games it might appear as if it were all a simple creative design choice, but what if there's more to Erron Black's presence than meets the eye? What if he is a predictive precursor to the fall of Western society? Hear me out.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Demons With Shotguns | A Pump Actioned Religious Fight & Smite Pixel Party Platformer

Demons With Shotguns is a competitive, and cooperative action platformer in the guise of a religiously themed 2D brawler/shooter. The kind of game that harkens back to Smash Brothers, but with a more mature tone. It features a handful of playable characters to choose from including a gruff cigar smoking angel, a traditional nun, a Satan looking deceiver, Death, a bulky demon, and a worse for wear preacher. Each with the same selection of weapons, and abilities. Including things like a shield for blocking and bashing, a shotgun with limited ammo for shooting, and a holy water bomb for tossing. These base abilities are further enhanced in-game, and within the modes by power-ups that come in the form of symbol marked tarot cards. Cards that can boost speed, and give other religious buffs like the power of Christ shield, the Holy Spirit damage boost, Angelic wings, and the power of Satan bullets. All things that once gathered activate under an announcer's voice that sounds an awfully lot like the honest trailers dude. Overall it's not the most complex game of it's kind, and as such it does have it's limitations in regards to fun value. If you buy into it you'll either be playing locally with friends in a 2-4 player versus mode, or you'll be going solo or locally co-op in a wave based fight for survival known as the "End of Time" against the minions of darkness with one other friend. With the available stages unlocked in order as you complete one of two difficulties per stage.

Straimium Immortaly | Space Ninjas Fighting Tha Queeni & Her Nasties

If "The Binding of Isaac" were warped six ways from Sunday, and thrown into the void of space in the presence of a crude alien narrator with worms gouging out it's eye sockets then "Stramium Immortaly" would be that experience. It's oddities, and innuendos know no Earthly bounds, and the stuff you'll encounter as a Straima Ninja is not something easily rationalized. Amid the grotesque alien world, and it's biologically diverse ecosystem you'll be tasked with engaging a randomized room to room hunt for loot, keys, and the final boss. It is a trek with numerous secrets to uncover, and mysteries to reveal. Much like Isaac's battle through his Mother's dungeon basement you will travel room by room dealing with deadly enemies of varying types as you find weapon upgrades, and abilities to see you through to the end. It is by no means an easy undertaking even with the modifiers you can unlock to cheat the system. Nor is it made any easier with the seed keys that can be generated for map replay.

Demon Pit | Arcade Arena Shooting In Hell

Demon pit, a pit of demons. That pretty much sums up this oldschool 3D arena shooter. You are basically a no named demon hunter who finally succumbs to death, and is thrown into the fiery pits of hell with the very demons you killed in life. While that would be torment in, and of itself, this unnamed and marked protagonist that you are is not unarmed. He comes packing a pistol with infinite ammo, and can collect new weapons as he faces endless waves of demonic denizens. The end goal, being to survive as long as humanly possible before being put back into the fray again with weapons collected remaining available. Outside of the simple plot it is a score based affair with a global leaderboard. A leaderboard with waves completed, and score accounted for.High scores being the endgame.

Tamashii | Puzzling Occult Horror

Normally one wouldn't think of occult horror when they think of December or the Christmas holiday season. That sort of entertainment is usually reserved for Spring time or October for Halloween's sake. Oddly enough Digerati Distribution decided to publish, and release such a game though. That game being "Tamashii". Tamashii which could best be described as Luciferian, or Pagan in nature features a light illuminated, and pyramid headed female-like God whose temple has been corrupted by minions of darkness. To combat the problem he/she send his/her loyal subject, which happens to be the character you play as, to deal with the corruption culprits. To do this you will be entering portal chambers in puzzle platforming areas that require your timer inclusive effigies (a limited set of 3) that can be sped up to deactivate or waited on in order to activate switches, avoid hazards, and do what needs to be done to open up sealed gates to the next area. Along with an additional double jump or delayed jump you will need to figure out each room's puzzle, solve it, and move on until you reach the boss. Between start, and finish you will find challenge portals that are either difficult and highly rewarding, or easier and less rewarding. A play on the left hand and right hand of God premise with the left handed choice bringing the biggest reward.

Friday, December 13, 2019

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Expansion | Bonus DLC For The Right Price

Not too long ago Arc System Works released a big patch to the core BBTAG base game. It was called patch 2.0, and with it came a laundry list of feature, system, and character changes (2.0 Update). This patch was freely given to any owner of the game, and allowed the base players to play against 2.0 characters without having to purchase the additional DLC expansion. The expansion, which this review will be about, comes with 9 additional characters, a newly introduced scenario, new character interactions, and colors. You even get access to special lobby avatars not available in the base game. It's a $24.99 dollar upgrade that holds it's own in value. Normally character DLC would cost you around $7.99 a pop, but with this DLC you get what equates to three new sets of characters plus the bonus content. It's definitely a discount deal in that regard. That having been said if you have yet to get into BBTAG, and are interested in the current full experience there is a full price special edition that will set you back $49.99. The difference is that it includes character DLC 1-7 plus the new expansion. The physical edition, in particular, comes with a code for the new expansion. Needless to say you have choices when it comes to BBTAG 2.0 and it's content.