Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good News!!! "Phantom Breaker"

Some of you are already aware of my attempt to start reviewing Xbox 360 disc based games. I have recently sent out a handful of inquiries to various retail developers in hopes of securing a retail game for review. In my recent attempts with Capcom (RE: ORC & SFxT) I was either too late requesting, or they didn't bother getting back to me about my requesr. That is the reality of reviewing though. Not every developer (especially more well known Devs) is going to give every reviewer a shot at proving their worth. Being a blogspot reviewer doesn't help much either, but that's a different thing all together. Even with the disappointment from Capcom I still pursued my dream of reviewing a disc based game, and I'm glad to say that '7sixty (@7sixtygames)' has given me a fair shot at doing just that. '7sixty', and '5pb' have teamed together to bring us an anime fighting game called 'Phantom Breaker'. This game was originally released in Japan, but we are quite lucky that it will be ported over to the US/UK. In celebration of '7sixty' putting me on the list for a review of 'Phantom Breaker' I will share with you some screenshots, and box art of the game as well as my thoughts on it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spectrangle360 (XBLIG): "Classic Board Game Goodness"

Most of you have noticed by now that there has been a sort of dry spell on my blog. This is merely due to the fact that I'm caught up on my reviews, and as such I've been enjoying some much needed R&R. As good as rest, and relaxation is I find that I'm constantly in need of a reviewing fix. Reviews are sort of like an addiction for me in that sense. I was definitely glad that the developer behind 'Iron Reaver Games' was persistent in getting me to review their game. I was a little hesitant at first to be honest. This was mainly, because of my concern over the simplicity of 'Spectrangle360'. As a reviewer I tend to stray more towards the titles that require a lot of writing/typing. I love to give a lot of details in my reviews, and that's where my concern came into play. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to give many details about 'Spectrangle360', but I accepted the challenge regardless. I will do my best to give the game a proper review though, and without further adieu ... ladies, and gentlemen I present to you my review of 'Spectrangle360'!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sine Mora (XBLA) Contest Winner!!!

I won't lie. I was a bit disappointed by how many of my readers chose to enter this contest. I thought the contest was a brilliant idea. With that being said I'm still thankful for those who chose to enter. The prize was pretty awesome this time around. As I mentioned in the original contest article the winner of the contest would get a code for the truly amazing shmup titled 'Sine Mora' (9.0 ign). The developer (Digital Reality) sponsored this very cool contest, and gave me the code to giveaway. My thanks goes to 'Digital Reality' for allowing me to do this contest. Not every developer out there is kind enough to do so. Now it's time to get down to business. I had only 6 official entries in the contest, and only one won the code ...

BRAND (XBLIG): "Update Details"

Last year I reviewed a unique XBLIG title called 'BRAND'. It was a game by 'Nine Dots Studio' that had it's own sort of mythology, and objective missions involving the making of a worthy sword. If you want to go back, and check out my review on it feel free to do so. You can search for the link to the blog via the search option that's available towards the top of the home page. The point of this article though, is that 'Nine Dots Studio' has issued an update for 'BRAND' that fixes a lot of the bugs, and glitches that the game had. I will leave you the list of fixes that the developer sent me through a recent email ...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.4: "Encounters of the Worst Kind!!!"

"Pyramid Head ain't got @#$% on me!"
'Exiled Zombie' - Adam Anderson (@StickyDPadGames) says this particular zombie will be outside the survival maps, in between you and a merchant that's in the upcoming games. From the way Adam describes him he will deal some serious damage to Fred if he notices him. The only way to avoid this monstrosity will be to hide in houses. It's best to not make a sound if you're anywhere near this fellow!

The above picture is of an in-game character ('Exiled Zombie') for @StickyDPadGame's upcoming 'Dawn of the Fred' & 'Night of the Fred' indie games that will be released this year. I hope you enjoy the 'Silent Hill' related caption as well as the following piece of Fred's story that picks up where Fred was left off two episodes back ...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Houchi Play (XBLIG): "Hysterical Anime Hijinks!"

I have learned many things in my time as an Xbox 360 reviewer. In this business you definitely have to know how to properly contact developers, and publishers in the appropriate manner. Last year I decided to take a leap of faith, and attempt to contact a Japanese developer about reviewing their game. This developer was none other than 'Kohei Gallery'. What I did to request my review copy of their game 'Moe Mekuri 2' eairlier last year was use the google translate service. It was a shot in the dark, but one I was willing to try if it meant I could get that amazing looking game for review. Ultimately it worked, and my request was answered by the kind developer behind 'Kohei Gallery'. It is 2012, and once again I saw a Japanese game that I just had to get for review. It was by 'Kohei Gallery' as well. I used the same contact method I did before, and that's why I'm proud to say I can now deliver to you my second 'Kohei Gallery' game review, 'The Houchi Play'!